Chapter 30

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Marcos POV:

El just rang, how can they be so stupid, we're now on our way to the police station to bail them idiots out.

We get there and papa goes straight up to the officers.

Antonio: I believe you have my daughters.

Officer 2: What are your daughters names, Mr Garcia.

Antonio: Daniela and Lucia.

Officer 2: I am so sorry Mr Garcia we had no idea they were your daughters, let me go get the arresting officer.

It was so funny to watch the officer shake in fear and at just the sight of a Garcia.

Officer 1: Good evening, Mr Garcia, Im sorry to tell you that your daughters were arrested for stealing a police car, driving under the influence and reckless driving, this is a very serious offence that we cant take lightly.

Antonio: Did you already question my daughters?

Officer 1: Yes Mr Garcia, with your daughter driving it was clear she was over 18.

Marco: My sisters are 17, you questioned them without a parent or a lawyer present, because their lawyer has just shown up.

Lawyer: Id like to speak with my clients, take me to them now. he says.

Officer 1: Right this way.

After that they both disappear, all we can do now is wait.

Danielas POV:

When they first brought us in, they took us straight for questioning, I answered No Comment to every question, pretty sure they cant do this right, we arent 18 yet. Im knocked out of my thoughts when the officer walks in saying Your lawyer is here. and in walks Uncle Pedro!!

Uncle youre our lawyer?

Pedro: Yes, now tell me what happened.

We snuck out, Lu stole a cop car and took a chase, I believe she was drugged. She's never done anything this serious before.

Lu: I won the race uncle Pedro. she says with a big smile on her face.

Pedro: Im sure you did Lucia, but now we have bigger problems to worry about, it's clear shes still under the influence of whatever she was spiked with. Did they question you?

De: Yeah, without anyone present, Lu stayed quiet, and I said No Comment to everything.

Pedro: Was their anyone else present in the room?

De: No, just us and the arresting officer.

Pedro: Good, we might be able to work with that.

Pedro leaves the room. I think hes going to talk to the arresting officer, I hope they can get us out of here soon.

Pedros POV:

I leave the girls and go back to speak with the arresting officer.

Lets make a deal, we will offer a substantial donation to the station on premise the girls get released and we wont sue you for talking to them without a lawyer present. Do we have a deal.

Officer 1: Are you blackmailing us?

No officer, I would do no such thing, as you know the Garcias wont take this lightly, so I suggest its in everyone's best interest to release the girls with no further action, and in future learn to not leave your police cars open. I say with a smug smile on my face.

Officer 1: in a shaky breath I will have them released to you with no further action. I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience sir, my deepest apologies.

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