Chapter 11

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Antonio's POV:

I'm so proud of the twins, I'm happy that they opened up even if it was while they were high. (*sighs) Now I have to tell the rest of the familia that their home, I know they will be excited to see them.

(Phone call between Antonio and his parents) (Bold words is them speaking in Spanish/some words I've done in Spanish too)



M: "Hola hijo mío."  (Hello my son)

A: "Hola mamá, is Papá their too?"

M: "Sí, your Papá is here."

A: "Put me on speaker Mamá, I've got some good news."

M&D: ¿Qué está pasando, hijo? (what's going on son)

A: "Daniela and Lucía, they're back home!"

M&D: "QUÉ" (what) they shout.

A: "They're home, they've been back for 2 weeks, we wanted to let them settle in first before telling anyone."

M: "Were flying back home now, your Papá is packing our bags as we speak, we will see you tomorrow, Te amo hijo." (I love you son)

A: "Te amo también Mamá." (I love you too mum)

Well that went better than I expected, I best go let everyone know that they will be arriving tomorrow.

I shout everyone downstairs, and within a few minutes all hijos míos (my sons) are in the living room and hijas mías (my daughters) are nowhere to be seen. I go up to their room and knock, getting no answer I try the door but its locked, I call to Marco telling him to grab the master keys. When Marco finally returns, I unlock the door and find the room empty.


Lucías POV:

De has a fight at the underground in 30 minutes, Luna is picking us up from the end of the road in 10 and we are yet to think of a way out of this house. De has been pacing the room for the past 5 minutes, now shes starting to annoy me, Why dont we just climb down the balcony? I say while peering over, it's only a 1 story drop, we can easily land that. De has finally joined me to the balcony, This could work. I say as I swing my legs over and jump. Are you coming or not? a few seconds later De lands perfectly at the side of me. We make a break towards the meeting point doing our best to avoid the cameras and the guards

Luna: "Finally, what took you so long?"

Lucía: "That place is locked up more than a prison." (*laughing)

Luna: "Well youre here now, let's go. De your bike is at the fight club ready for you both to go home on."

De: "Yes, finally I've missed my baby."

(time jump)

Weve arrived at the club; Weve already changed into our disguises, mine is a hot pink wig with purple contacts, De wears red contacts with a mask and her hoodie up at all times.

Its nearly time for Des fight. Her opponent is a 6ft6 stocky man easily over 240lb just by looking at him. The announcement starts.

"Guys, have I got a fighter for you. We have the one and only Raven making her come back across the country. Get your bets in at 50/1." (*in walks De aka Raven)

De walks out with her fists wrapped, and everyone goes crazy.

(*crowd quietens, and the announcer starts talking again)

"Fighting the one and only Raven, we have Ace, hes the jack of all trades undefeated across all of Spain. Last chance to get your bets in at 90/1...."(*bell) ding ding ding

I've always enjoyed watching De fight she wastes no time proving herself, she goes straight in for a round house kick to the ribs, narrowly missing him as he dodges just in time, she doesnt let affect her. He recants with a kick to her chest knocking her back slightly (*crowd cheers) wasting no time shes going straight at him again with fake sidestep left, but instead jumps and swings her right fist up toward his face stumbling him back a bit, she takes this opportunity of distraction to put him down on his knees, giving her the height advantage now, grabbing the back of his head she brings his face to toward her knee, this sends him down on his back where she puts him into finishing move where, she puts pressure on his elbow joint by attempting to bend it the way it does not naturally bend. She situates herself so that Aces arm is between her knees, enabling her to use her hips to intensify the pressure. He now has to choose either struggle and try get out or he can tap out.

(*crowed starts cheering) Hes about to tap out I can see that he doesnt want to because who wants to lose their title to a girl, but he has no choice shes not going to loosen her hold on him

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(*crowed starts cheering) Hes about to tap out I can see that he doesnt want to because who wants to lose their title to a girl, but he has no choice shes not going to loosen her hold on him. Less than 30 seconds later hes tapped out.

Announcer: "And we have a winner, Raven taking with her the title of undefeated in Spain"

I scream and cheer for my sister before running over and hugging her, taking her a drink of water. "THAT WAS AMAZING, YOU DID AMAZING" I shout over the noise of the crowd.

Grabbing our gear, we head towards her bike, popping on our helmets. We make our way back to Antonios, I really hope they havent notice we have left. We park the bike in the wooded area at the side of the big gates making sure its well hidden. We make our way back toward the balcony of our room. Shit, De how are we supposed to get in? we cant exactly scale the wall.

D: "Oh fuck, we didnt think this far, were going to have to sneak through the front door and hope we dont get spotted."

Just as we are about to open the front door it opens for us. FUCK! Looking up we see 6 very pissed off and scary looking men.



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