Chapter 28

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Danielas POV:

Its been 3days now since I woke up, 3days at staring at the same 4 white walls, 3 days of listening to beeping of that stupid heart monitor, I often unplug it as it drives me insane but the nurses plug it back in and then I get a lecture about how I need it bla bla bla. Today is the day I finally get to go back home, and I cannot wait. It's also our birthday we turn 17, finally. Everyday Ive had the familia visiting it's so weird having such a big loving familia its always just been me and Lu until we met Luna, Mia and Eli then they became our familia. While I was out apparently Rio and Luna became closer, I think there dating but they wont tell me that, I think it would be great if they are, and Arlo tells me Lorenzo has been calling and texting all the time asking for updates, I remember what he said right before I passed out. He seemed worried he acted like he actually cared about me, yeah right it has to be all in my head.

Finally, Mateo has come, Please tell me I have being discharged?

Mateo: Got the papers right here, I would personally prefer you stay a bit longer, but you're driving the nurses insane.

its not my fault they are useless, I'm going home today I cant stay here any longer.

Mateo: Ok no point in arguing with you get your stuff and sit in the wheelchair Im pushing you out.

But I can walk.

Mateo: No now sit.


Mateo wheels me out of that god awful room, Lu and Antonio are waiting by the car for me. I guess everyone else stayed at home.

Lucias POV:

Today my sister gets to come home, Im so excited, it's our birthday too, I think everyone might have forgotten though, but it doesn't bother me, getting my sister home and well is all I care about. I look at ammo, I love his name and I love him, hes such a perfect puppy I cant wait for De to meet him she is going to love him. Come on ammo lets go walkies. He quickly jumps to my side as we head downstairs. I shout Im taking ammo out to whoever is listening. We go play fetch and I teach him new tricks for an hour before we head back in, I take him back to our room and he goes to his bed, its nearly time to go pick De up, so I quickly jump in shower and get ready before running downstairs. Hurry up, papa we have to go

Rios POV:

Papa and Lu have gone to the hospital to pick up De, shes coming home finally. Me and Arlo decided we are throwing them a party for their birthday and to welcome De home. Weve got all the familia coming as well as Enzo and his parents, it's going to be great, I got balloons and banners, and I even got a confetti gun its going to be awesome. I didnt know what their favourite cake flavour was, so I got 3 different ones, one of them saying you survived a shot to the heart, and the other 2 say You made it to 17 I found it funny. Weve got chocolate, raspberry & white chocolate and red velvet with cream cheese filling.

It's been an hour since Papa and Lu left, everyones turned up and were all just waiting now, Enzo looks really nervous to see De again, Luna told me what he said to her, I honestly just thought he wanted to have fun with her like he does the rest of the girls but after hearing that I think he might actually be serious about her, but I know De will carry on turning him down especially when he acts the way he does. I was lost in thought until Arlo shouted, their back everyone got into place, and we get into our hiding spots ready to shout Surprise! I really hope they like it.

Ready... 3...2...1....

Everyone SURPRISE!!

Lu starts crying, oh my god she hates it and De just has a shocked look on her face. Oh god this was a big mistake shes just got out of hospital we shouldnt have surprised her like this. OH FUCK!

Lu: You remembered our birthday.

De: Weve never had a birthday.

Oh, shit I didnt think of that, how can we be so stupid.

De: looking at everyone Thank you so much shes got the biggest smile on her face.

Arlo: Come open your presents.

Lu: WEVE GOT PRESENTS!! she screams.

Viviana(grandma): Of course you have presents.

Lu: Lets go open them De.

De: Ok ok.

After we watch the girls open their presents, I show them the cakes we got them, De laughs at the words written on them, I think that's the first time I've heard her laughing. We all talk and have fun till late in the evening when De tells us shes tired and shes heading to bed.

Danielas POV:

I had a lovely evening with everyone, it's been the best birthday ever. Me and Lu have been truly spoilt.

Even Lorenzo came over to wish me happy birthday and his parents were lovely, where did they go wrong with him, hes such an arsehole compared to how sweet they are.

Just as I'm about to head to bed, Lorenzo asks if he can speak with me privately, so we walk outside.

Lorenzo: About what I said that day...

De: What are you on about? What did you say?

Lorenzo: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! How can you not remember? Are you that stupid?!

De: This is exactly why I wont give you a chance Lorenzo, you could have calmly told me what you said but instead you be a prick, I wont ever date someone who treats women like shit and sees them as objects. If you ever wa...

Before I could even finish Lorenzo had grabbed my face and his lips were on mine, he kissed me! How dare he kiss me! I pull away and slap him.

This is why you dont even deserve a chance, Lorenzo. Sort yourself out and treat women better then we can talk, until then fuck off!

I storm into the house and go straight up stairs to bed Im so fucking angry that fucker just stole my first actual kiss!!!.

Marcos POV:

DID THAT FUCKER JUST KISS EL? HELL NO! I storm outside, I dont bother saying anything and punch him straight in the nose (*crack) feeling satisfied by the sound of his nose cracking I go back into the house like nothing happened.

I hear him shout I REALLY DO LIKE HER MARCO.

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