Chapter 32

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Rios POV:

De was amazing, she won by a mile. Me and Arlo run straight up to her, it's a shame that the rest of our familia cant, but they want to keep her identity hidden as she asked them to. I see De get her phone out of her pocket and smile. The one person we didnt expect to see tonight though was Enzo, he came in 2nd as everyone got out of their cars, we saw him walk straight up to De, I know hes been trying to change for her, but right now he might just blow it.

Danielas POV:

As I step out of the car, I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, I pull it out to see messages from my Papa and other brothers saying congrats and stuff it made me smile, Rio and Arlo came running up to me saying the same, I give them a smile and say Thank you. As I turn round a bit more, I see Lorenzo walking over to me with a man who looks very familiar, Lu whispers in my ear Isnt that Ace? The one you beat last time? shit shes right it is him, this isnt going to end well.

Enzos POV:

I cant believe I came in 2nd now Im really fucking pissed off, as I walk over to this girl, I see Arlo and Rio next to her, they know Im trying to change my view on girls for my Danis sake, if I act like a twat in front of them they will tell her, so I try to calm myself down and put a fake smile on my face.

That was a good race, congrats. Its Raven, right? I say through my gritted teeth.

She cocks her head to the side and looks at me like shes confused, but eventually nods her head. That face looks very familiar, it's obvious shes wearing contacts but them lips, they look like my Danis I would know I stare at her lips every time I see her, creepy I know, but thats her, now I need a way to get her to talk.

Are you not going to say thanks?

De: Thanks Lorenzo.

She turns to walk away from me, but I grab her wrist and pull her back. She just gave herself away, now let's see how long she can play this game. I bend down and whisper in her ear,

Lorenzo? There's only one person who calls me that. I pull away from her and see she looks nervous.

De: Well its our first-time meeting, what else am I meant to call you?

She really wants to play this game huh? But wait Raven? Where have I heard that name before? I look at her and the girl next to her which Ive guessed is Lucia, they both carry on glancing at Ace, Oh my god! Not only does my girl street race but shes also a fighter.

Youre the one who won against Ace.

De: I dont know what youre talking about. I see her glance at her brothers, oh shit they dont know.

Ace: Its definitely you, that was a good match. he says with a smile.

Lucia looks at her Dani and through her gritted teeth she says, Theres no point in hiding it now Raven. she gives her a quick nod.

Rio: You had a fight against Ace and won? I see yet another girl in a purple wig tap him on the shoulder and shake her head.

De: Yeah, but arent you 2 meant to be racing? Shouldnt you go? she says while pointing at Arlo and Rio, they nod their heads, shout Vasco and walk off.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Antonio and her other brothers looking annoyed, I ask her Did I just to you into trouble

De: Yep, thanks Lorenzo.

I whisper, Im sorry Dani it just came out. she looks at me shocked.

De: How?

I lean down and whisper in her ear, Your lips as I kiss her ear, I looked at her again and see her now blushed cheeks, is she starting to like me back? With that she just walks away to go watch the race leaving me to chuckle a little bit, wheres my sassy Dani gone. (laughs)

Danielas POV:

My hearts pounding like crazy, what the hell is going on? Do I like Lorenzo? that cant be right hes a dick, isnt he? I will admit he has changed only slightly but I have noticed, I couldnt even say anything back all I could do was walk away, no I need to calm down, that idiot just got me into trouble AGAIN! As I'm walking over to watch my brother's race, Marco walks up beside me, as long as i make it look like a normal conversation it should be fine,

Marco: You had a fight with Ace? When? He asks in a quiet whisper.

De: Ill tell you everything when we get home ok? I reply in the same tone.

He gives me a quick nod and we go back to watching the race, Rio ends up coming in 1st and Arlo 2nd they did good, now its time to go home and face my familia.

I drive off and pull over 2 miles away again so Luna can drive the rest of the way I dont want to get into any more trouble tonight.

Back at home.

Marco: Living room, now. You have some explaining to do.

Oh, fuck am in trouble again.

Ill explain, but dont go biting my head off. So, you know am a street racer and a underground fighter. The 1st time we disappeared we wasnt walking around the woods I was at a fight, fighting Ace Lorenzos friend.

Rio: You told us you were at a race.

I know I lied, I wasnt ready to tell you that I was a fighter too.

Lu: We didnt trust you then.

Mateo: Do you trust us now?

De: Yes, thats why I was going to ask you for your help soon in taking down the camp.

Marco: What do you mean in taking down the camp?

I looked into the camp that me and Lu were sent to, it's still up and running meaning what happened to us is happening to other kids too, the 5 of us have agreed to take it down and we cant do it alone.

Diego: The 5 of you?

Lu: Me, De, Luna, Mia and Eli.

Antonio: Do you remember where the base is?

Yes, but they move locations all the time, there currently located not far from Spain it's just in Portugal they will move again in 3 months, so we have 2 months to come up with a plan and 1 month to execute the plan.

Diego: If you already know where they are why are you waiting why not just attack now?

Because if we straight up attack, they will kill the kids, we need to get the kids out safely first then we can attack.

Lu: I think we should pull Enzo in on it too.


Lu: Then wed have both the Spanish and Italian mafias backing us.

Rio: How did you know?

Its a bit obvious, isn't it?

Arlo: Did he make it obvious?

No, but weve learnt to read between the lines anyway, will you help or not?

Antonio: Yeah.

Marco: Yeah, I'll get some of my most trusted men to help.

Ok, starting tomorrow I want Lu, Rio and Arlo to some surveillance hacking into their cameras. I want someone watching them at all times so you will have to take turns we need to know shift rotations when they move the kids and where to and everything else Lu knows what she needs to do. Can we go to bed now?

Antonio: Yeah off you go, night.

Lu: Night.

Me and Lu walk out of the room and as we get to the bottom of the stairs, we hear Marco say, Wait we came in here because they were meant to be in trouble. I look straight at Lu and mouth RUN.

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