Chapter 13

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Antonios POV:

I already dont want to have this conversation with them, I couldn't do it last night, I was too worked up, I didn't want to make our relationship any worse, so I needed to be calm. As soon as the twins sit down, I go straight for it. Here goes nothing...

Antonio: So do you girls want to tell me where you were last night?

Daniela: Straight to the point then yeah? No good morning?

Antonio: Yes, straight to the point! Ive tried giving you both the space you need to get used to everything and you decide it would be a fun idea to sneak out!

Lucia: Well that's the thing, we havent got used to it! We just needed a bit of time to ourselves away from the house, the cameras, the guards we havent been able to adjust to all that in just 3 weeks. We've gone from living in a ba...

Daniela: (*quickly turns to Lucia and shouts) SHUT UP! before she can finish the word, she looks at her sister stunned for a second before going back to her food.

Diego: Living in a what?

Daniela: Nothing! Look were sorry ok, we were only in the woods, we will try make sure it doesn't happen again ok.

Diego: Did you live in the basement?

That look on their faces says it all Lucia was going to say basement. That house has been empty since they left, as soon as my family gets here, I'll ask my brother Santiago to go look at the house. I need to stop this conversation before they start arguing.

Antonio: Ok girls, just make sure this doesn't happen again, ok?

I can see the looks my sons are giving me, I know they want answers so do I, but right now isn't the time, they will tell us eventually, I give them all a glare and they go back to eating.

Rio: What's the reason you wanted the family meeting in the first place Papá?

Antonio: I wanted to tell you all that the rest of the familia are coming today theyll be here around 5

Arlo: Really? he asks, I nod my head at him. I look over to Lucia and Daniela and I can tell their nervous.

Antonio: Don't worry you 2, there really happy that your back home, they will love you" I say with a warm smile, Oh before I forget, I spoke with the university they agreed to do a test, its tomorrow.

D&L: Okay and they leave.

After breakfast I go to my office and call Santiago asking if he will go back to the girl's old house and check it out, I have my suspicions that it wasnt all sunshine and rainbows.


The girls are upstairs studying, they are really smart girls I know for fact they will pass this university test even though they are only 16. I can tell they have some pretty high IQs; I may even think about getting it tested to see just how smart they really are. After studying for a few hours, the girls show their faces its clear they are worried about meeting the familia but they have nothing to worry about my familia love them. Telling them to grab something to eat I head back to my office to finish some paperwork, not even 5mins after sitting down Marco walks in I wondered how long it would take for him to come to talk to me about what happened this morning. Before he has chance to say a word, I tell him Ive already dealt with it, so he doesnt have to worry.

Marco: Im worried though, do you really think they lived in the basement?

We dont know, but we will know within the next 2 days, and we will address it then, till then we act normal.

Danielas POV:

Were meeting the rest of this family in 30 minutes, and I dont know what to think. Lucía is freaking out even though she wont admit it, she always tries making me wear something colourful when shes like this, I always agree because it helps her, dont ask how it works but it does.

We make our way downstairs its loud down here there must be loads of them. We make out way to the garden where everyone is, soon as we step out all the chatter stops and 2 older looking people come running over to us and being cuddling us, we stay still as we don't exactly enjoy been cuddled, weve never really been cuddled before.

Viviana: Oh my gosh, how beautiful are you 2, youve grown up so much. Im getting a head of myself you probably have no clue who I am, Im you Abuela and this is your Abuelo. (*points to the older man on her left) (Grandmother and Grandfather)

Giving a small smile of acknowledgement. Looking around to try and see if I can spot Arlo in the crowd to get him to come save us. This is so uncomfortable. Finally, I found Arlo but hes too far away. We need to think of an excuse to get away.

Viviana: Sorry dearies, Im keeping you all to myself lets go introduce you to your aunts and uncles and then u can run off with you brothers. (*processed to walk away)

Look at Lu and whispering, Do we follow.

Lu:(*whispering) Weve not exactly got a choice

Viviana (shouting back) Come on now we havent got all night. (*smiling back)

Lu: see.

A man who looks close to Antonio's age walks up to us with a woman I'm guessing shes, his wife.

Hi, Im your 1st uncle, my names Matias and this is my wife Sofia, and these boys are our kids, (points to his each of his sons) That's Max 26, Ric 22 and that's Sal he's 19. The boys nod their heads at us so me and Lucia do the same.

The other 3 man walk up to us and introduce themselves as.

Uncle Miguel, his wife Liliana (lily) and their boys Mino 23, Jorge 21, Vasco 18 and Jose 16. Next was Uncle Pedro, his wife Carmen and their boys Santos 20, Lonzo 18 and Tomas 16. Then Uncle Santiago with his wife Rosa and their boys Hugo 21, Juan 19 and we had to look around for Leo hes 8 so he was just running around. His dad shouted him, and he came running over me and Lucia weve always loved kids, so we bend down to his height and speak him with hes so cute, he call us DeDe and LuLu which I don't mind anyone else does it and I'll kill them.

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