Chapter 16

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Marcos POV:

The past 3 weeks with the twins have been a crazy experience, Daniela reminds me so much of myself and shes bat shit crazy. (laughs) Lucia hasnt spoken much but I can tell shes starting to trust us more than her sister, I'm scared how they will react to the conversation.

Now that Rio and Arlo have left my office, I turn to Papá and ask him if hed heard anything from Uncle Santi, he looks at me shocked, I tell him it wasn't exactly hard to figure out why Aunt Rose and the boys stayed. Hes been gone nearly 19 hours now so surely, he has some answers, right? I can tell he didn't want the others hearing but we need answers too, he rings him putting it on speaker.



S: Hola

A: Hola, have you found anything?

S: I really dont think I should tell you this over the phone Ant

Marco: Just tell us Uncle

S: Are all they boys there?

A: Apart from Rio, Arlo and Juan

S: Wait Hugo's their?

Hugo: Yes Papá, now get the bloody point. (Thank you, Hugo) (Laughs)

S: Ok, I'll tell you a bit of what I've found out, but the rest I'll tell you in person brother.

A: Ok.

S: Well I decided to check upstairs first, hoping you were wrong. he says.

Diego: What did you find?

S: Nothing, the 2nd room was completely empty didnt even look like it got used at all, so I checked the basement like you said. I hear him sigh.

Mateo: What was down their uncle?

S: he hesitates before quickly saying Chains and a lot of dried blood.

As soon as I heard him say that my head was spinning, chains? Were my sisters chained to the walls? Were they beaten? They must have been for there to be dried blood! What hell had they been living in for the past 13 fucking years! I look up to see my Papá crying! He hasnt cried since the day my sisters were taken, Mateo, Diego and Hugo all look like they want to kill someone.

S: Ive had the blood sent off for DNA testing, but I think we all know what the results are going to say.

A: What else Santiago? my Papá askes.

S: Im not saying anymore over the phone brother, I've got pictures of it so you can see for yourself, Im flying back soon, I'll see you tomorrow.

Hugo: Papá

S: No Hugo, that's final!

We hear the phone beeping, he actually put the phone down! We need to put our games faces on though because it's time for us to tell the girls.

Daniela's POV:

We've been sat in the living room for the past 10 minutes after the twins said we were having a family meeting, finally the rest of the men walk in and sit down looking straight at me and Lucia.

(Shit did I do something wrong again)

(Your kidding, right? You literally knocked a girl out less than an hour ago)

(Oh, your right I forgot about that (*laughs) thanks brain)


Marco: We have something to tell you, Were the Mafia. he says bluntly. I see everyone else snap their heads to him, they start arguing with each other but I'm too far in my own head to hear what else their saying.

(did..did he just say the Mafia?)

(Yeah, he did)

(Well shit. How do we respond to that? That's cool were assassins)

(no, you idiot, now check on Lu)

I turn to look at Lu and shes already thinking the same thing I am; this shits too funny (*laughs) Looking back towards the men who are now all looking at us I say,

De: That explains a lot. I can see the confused look on all their faces.

Arlo: Are you ok?

Lu: Why wouldnt we be?

Antonio: Seriously you're, ok? You heard what Marco said right?

De: Yeah, did you expect us to kick off or something? Because I can still do that if you want.

Mateo: No, we dont want that, but dont you have any questions?

Lu: Nope, De you got any?

D: "Yeah, what are you rolls in the Mafia?"

Marco: "I'm the Don/boss"

Diego: "I'm second in command and when I'm on missions I'm the sniper."

Mateo: "You already know I'm a doctor and I'm a hacker mainly the doctor though." (laughs)

Rio: "Both me and Arlo are the main hackers, sometimes I do the sniper job's if Diego can't."

Arlo: "Obviously we kill people, never women or children, we go after abusers of all kinds. I mainly deal with the drugs and weapon shipments."

Marco: "Any more questions?"

D: "Nope. Is there anything else you want to tell us or can we go now?"

Antonio: "Not just yet you can't we still need to talk about what happened at your university. "

D: "Dam it, thought we'd escaped that."

A: "No you didn't, now talk why the hell on your enrolment day do you think it's a bright idea to go beating on people." he shouts angry

(Maybe if we call him Papá he will forget all about this and just let us go)

(You really think that will work)

(well why wouldn't it)

(you may want to answer him soon)

(fine I'm going to go for it)

D: "But papa, she was a..."

A: "You called me Papá."

D: "Yes."

A: "You just called me Papá."

D: "Yes."

Lu: "I think you broke him."

D: "I think I did too."

A: "My little girl called me Papá" he says with the biggest smile on his face.

Diego: "Leave now while you still can" he tells us while smiling too. God knows why he's smiling not like we called him Papá.

We quickly make our break for it to our room.

(speaking in Filipino)

Lu: "Do you think it's time to tell them about our extra activities."

D: "I'm guessing where having this conversation in Filipino in case they follow us?"

Lu: "Yes, it's better to be safe, so what do think we should we tell them?"

D: "I don't think there ready to hear that yet do you? Let them believe were just sweet and innocent teens, ok?

Lu: Do you really believe they think were sweet and innocent? Im pretty sure Antonio read our police records and with you punching. (laughs)

D: Oh shut it, fine but were not sweet and innocent but we cant tell them not yet, ok?

Lu: Ok, well I'm off to sleep first.

D: Night Lu.

I don't know if Lu is pissed at me for wanting to keep this a secret or not, she's a lot more trusting and forgiving than I am. I know she's trying not to get close to our brothers but it's taking a toll on her, she's started having her nightmares again. I hate how much all this affects her well us but her more, she's my best friend.

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