Chapter 29

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Enzos POV:

I cant believe I just said that out loud, to her brother of all people. OH FUCK! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO. How do I make things right between us, I need to think of a way to make this up to her, why did I kiss her I shouldnt have done that now Ive made her hate me even more. Im SUCH AN IDIOTA.

Danielas POV:

Its been 2 weeks since I got home from the hospital, Im getting bored of sitting in this god dam house so today Im going to uni, I dont care what they say. I make my way downstairs to the kitchen where I know everyone will be.

Im going back to uni today.

Marco: No you're not you're still healing.

Im fine now, I can go back to uni, I promise I wont do anything strenuous Ill just be sat in the classroom.

Marco looks at Mateo.

Marco: You're the doctor, is she healthy enough to go back.

Mateo: I cant see why not, as long as she doesnt overdo herself."

So, I can go, yes?

Marco: Only if you promise to take it easy.


As we get to Rios car, I go to climb in the back he shouts at me NO YOURE IN THE FRONT FOR NOW apparently climbing into the back is too hard on me, now Im getting annoyed their treating me like Im some sort of weakling. (sigh) The real reason I wanted to come back to Uni is because that skank is back, she needs to know she cant get away with having me kidnapped.

We get to Uni and on the way to class I look round for her, but shes nowhere to be seen. She best fucking be here. I go into class knowing shes in this class. I sit at the back with Lu, Rio and Arlo, minutes later in walks Lorenzo and his friends he spots me sitting there and smiles at me, what is he planning. Hey Dani, nice to see you back. Why is he being so nice.

Its still Daniela to you Lorenzo.

Hes about to say something back when she walks in, a big smirk appears on my face, I get up and storm straight over to her before anyone can realise what Im doing, I grab her by the neck and pin her up against the wall.

Hi Felicia, looks like you still cant talk, so listen to my words very carefully.

She nods with tears in her eyes. Shaking with fear just what I wanted. I can hear everyone behind me but Im not listening.

I know you paid those men to kidnap me... before I could finish, I hear Lorenzo shout WHAT! I scream back at him DUDE, WILL YOU LET ME FUCKING FINISH! he nods his head, so I turn my attention back on to her.

As I was saying, I know it was you, they were even dumb enough to show me a picture of you, Bethany youre not very smart, are you? You ever do that again and you wont be alive to see the sunrise. Am I clear?

With a shaky nod back, I give her a punch to the stomach and release her, at the same time I feel a hand on my wrist pulling me back I look and see Lorenzo, Let's go get ice cream.

Is this you asking me out on another date?

Rubbing the back of his neck he says, No, all of us can go. ok now Im really confused just what is going on inside his head?

Maybe after Uni, we should at least spend 1 full day here. (laughs)

Lorenzo: Ok, sure.

We all head back to our seats, the rest of Uni was boring, but it was better than sitting at home. We heard about a party tonight. I doubt my Papa, or our brothers will let us go, so I guess were sneaking out again.

Lucias POV:

Des wanting to go to a party tonight, I dont think it's a good idea, but were going anyway, as long as I dont drink everything will be fine, I do really stupid shit when Im drunk. We told our familia we were heading to bed because Des chest was hurting so they shouldnt check up on us, after we get ready, we decide to jump off the balcony like last time.

Des bike is still hidden in the bushes, so we hop on and head to the party. I've already told De I wont be drinking, we get there, and everything is going great, we dance and have fun, then De hands me a drink I down it without even realising its alcohol and after Ive had one the rest just keep flowing, I can feel myself getting drunk. The next thing I know the cops are outside, shit! I pull De out of the kitchen door we were meant to go for her bike (Des not drunk) but me being me I see a cop car with its door wide open and I make a run for it, I hear De shouting at me telling me to stop but it's too late, Im in the car getting ready to drive when De jumps in the passenger side and we start driving, the other cops realise what's going on and jump into their cars to follow us.

Danielas POV:

Oh, fuck that was a mistake, what was I thinking? I was meant to drive us home, so I wanted Lu to relax a bit. I know what Lus like when shes drunk, but this is new, she stole a fucking COP CAR!!

Lu, what the hell are you doing?

Lu: Were racing.


I need to do something, what should I do? SHIT! I decide to ring Marco, this is going to be bad.

Marco: Hi El, why did you ring from upstairs?

Erm yeah about that, we snuck out, went to a party, now were involved in a police chase.

I'm guessing Marco put me on speaker at some point because I hear Papa shout YOU DID WHAT!

Sorry Papa, that's not the worst of it, LU STOLE A FUCKING COP CAR!

I can hear Rio and Arlo laughing.


Yeah, Im going to need you to come bail us out


Lu: NO WERE WINNING THE RACE DE. she shouts back.


Somethings wrong.

Mateo: What do you mean?

Her eyes, their massive, it's like shes on something.

Diego: Was she drugged.

SHIT! SHIT! Well done Lu, you won now please pull over.


Yeah, now pull over, papa get to the police station now. I put the phone down as Lus finally pulling over. As soon as we stop the other officers are out of their cars swarming us, we get out of the car and Lu starts shouting I WON I WON. I tell her to shut up and dont say anything.

Officer 1: Hands behind your back, youre under arrest for stealing a police car and reckless driving as well as driving under the influence.

Were hand cuffed and stuck in the back of a cop car and taken to the police station.


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