Chapter 2

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Antonio's POV: (dad)

We walk into my office after coming from a meeting, luckily the meeting went well today so I'm in a good mood, I may not be the Don anymore but I still have work to do I own hotels and restaurants.

I'm talking with my eldest hijo (son) Marco, when my phone starts ringing it's not a Spanish area code the number says Chicago pd. Why the fuck would Chicago PD be calling me, I answer anyway.


A: "Hola."

O: "Hi is this Mr Garcia."

A: "It is."

O: "Hi I'm officer Eddie from Chicago PD I'm calling you regarding your daughters Daniela and Lucía, I can see on the system you reported them missing 13 years ago?"

A: "Yes I did."

O: "Well we have the girls with us here at Chicago PD, we did a DNA test and...."

A: "YOU HAVE MY DAUGHTERS REALLY?" I shouted before he could finish his sentence

O: "Yes sir we do."

I look up to see Marco with a confused look on his face I say,

"Los han encontrado, les explicaré pronto." (they've found them I'll explain soon)

O: "Mr Garcia, are you there?"

A: "Yes, when can I come collect them?"

O: "As soon as you are ready, please bring some identification with you as we wont be able to release them too you without it."

A: "I'll be with you in 9 to10 hours, can you email me a picture of my daughters so I can see them."

O: "Sure, Mr Garcia see you soon."

I look up to Marco again and he looks confused but he has a smile plaster on his face, my laptop dings. I open the email to see the pictures of my hijas- (daughters), Marcos stood next to me and all I hear him say is,

"What the fuck their mug shots" I stare at him he was right, the police had sent me my daughters mug shots, theyve been in the system this whole time and none of my team had found them before today, what a set of useless idiotas. (idiots)

"Call the boys, get them here ahora" (now) staring at the mug shots I have just been sent I see that Daniela looks a lot like Marco and Lucía looks like me, oh my sweet girls I cannot wait to get on the jet and go get them. Soon as I have got them home safely their mother will no longer be alive.


5 minutes later i walk downstairs, I can see Marco, Mateo, Rio and Arlo in the living room.

(D-dad) (R-Rio) (A-Arlo)

D: "Where's Diego?"

Marco: "He'll be down in a minute, I told him to hurry up."

R: "What's up Papá?"

A: "Yeah, why are having a family meeting?"

Mateo: "Papá, why do you look like that?"

D: "Like what hijo?"

Mateo: "Like that" as he points to my face.

D: "It's a smile obviously."

R: "We know it's a smile Papá, you only ever smile like that when there's good news, so what is it?"

D: "I'll tell you when Diego comes"

(enter Diego)

Diego: "What's going on?"

D: "I got a call from Chicago PD today."

R: "It wasn't me."

A: "About what?"

Marco: "If you let him finish he will tell you!"

D: "As I was saying I got a call because they found your Hermanas."


My other 4 boys just stare at me like I've made some sort of joke.

D: "Did you hear me?"

R&A: "ARE YOU SERIOUS?" the twins ask jumping up and down.

D: "Of course I'd never joke about this."

Diego: "When will they be here? I looked at him to see a big smile on his face."

D: "I'm setting off to get them in the next 10 minutes, Mateo pack a bag you're coming with me."

R&A: "Why does he get to go?" the twins whined

D: "He's more comforting than anyone else, the girl's might feel at ease with him around, the rest of you I want the girl's bedrooms sorted for when we get back."

All: "Ok Papá."


Were only half an hour into the flight and I want it to go faster already.

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