Chapter 18

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Lucías POV:

I know its not like me to lose my temper, but she definitely deserved that. Hopefully now shes got the message to back off, but I highly doubt it. Weve been home an hour now weve had our lecture from Antonio and Marco decided to join in too. De tore them both a new one I kind of feel guilty about what she said, I dont think she meant it like she said it, but you could clearly see the hurt on their faces. So now De is pacing the room once again and I get a feeling we are going to be jumping of the balcony to make our escape.

Flash back to the lecture

Weve just walked through the door.

Antonio: Daniela and Lucía Garcia, get into my office now!

Looking at De I whisper, Oh shit weve done it this time.

She looks at me as If to say no shit sherlock.


Oh, hes really mad.

L: Because we are awesome, and they wanted to call and tell you?

A: Dont go getting all smart arsed with me

L: Well you asked I answered

A: Well he called to say how you Lucia broke a girls jaw and you Daniela punched Enzo in the face what do you both think you're playing at

D&L: They deserved it!

A: I dont give a flying fuck if you thought they deserved it once again Ive had to pay donation to the university to keep you 2 enrolled.

M: You 2 cant keep throwing your fist about every time someone pisses you off.

D: So we should have a three way with Enzo? She says while looking at me.

A&M: WHAT!!? They shout.

D: Well thats why I punched him.

L: And I shouldnt stick up of Rio I guess.

M: Rio can fight his own battles and I going to kill Enzo.

L: So Rio should hit a girl

D: Some fucking men you Are.

A: Dont talk to us like that.

D: I'll take to you how ever I like, you're not my dad and you're not my brother.


So thats what happened De let that big mouth of hers run and now shes trying to decide whether or not to Rebel against them even more or actually do what they told her to do and if she goes, I go.

Lu: De what are we doing?

D: They're going to be mad if we leave the house but Im sick of having my every move being watched.

L: Well why dont I hack the cameras.

D: And go where?

L: Well we could go to gym you clearly need to let of some steam, and I could do with a workout.

D: Fine lets do that get your laptop and hack the cameras set them on a loop every 5mins.

L: You do know I can do this better than you right

D: Just do it.

I begin doing what she said hacking into the camera was pretty easy to say there are supposed to be the mafia maybe I will tell them this later, I set the loop for every 5minutes, and we sneak off to the gym nobody even noticed. I even set the gym cameras, so it looked like it was empty. (*laughs)

Diegos POV:

I overheard everything from Papás office. The girls took it too far this time I quickly sneak back to the kitchen acting like I didnt hear anything when I hear a bedroom door slam meaning the girls had left Papás office and gone to their rooms. I really hope they dont decide to run away. I think Ill give them an hour before I go looking for them.

I hear Marco and Papá make his way toward the kitchen both of them rambling under their breath. Papá spots me first; Hey son, how was the warehouse.

Slow picking today Papá.

A: Good, what do you plan to do with the rest of the day.

I did think of going to the gun range later, I thought I might ask Daniela and Lucia if they wanted to tag along if thats ok.

A: Fine by me them girls are testing my patience least I know if there with you they cant cause me any trouble, right?

Of course, Papá. Ill keep them out of trouble, I'll go get them now

I make my way to their bedroom the door is slightly open, so I knock and walk in, seeing that its empty I call out getting no answer I start to panic thinking theyve made a break for it, so I rush around their room and bathroom looking for them, shit nowhere to be seen. I spot their phones on the bed. The little shits must have made a run for it and left their phones so we cant track them.

I run back to the kitchen seeing Papá n Marco are still in there I shout, Theyve gone!

Marco: What do you mean theyve gone.

I mean there not in their room; theyve left their phones on the bed, and theyve gone

M: Where are they?

How am I meant to know?

M: Well did you check the cameras maybe theyve gone for a walk around the house.


We will find them Papá, dont worry I quickly make my way to the security room to see if I can find them around the house or in the gardens. No look I decide it's a good idea to give Rio and Arlo a call they might be able to hack the traffic cams or something.

Not even 5 minutes later Rio n Arlo are here. They watch the camera like they are looking for something.

Arlo: Did you see that?

Diego: See what?

A: what? The screen, there did you see that jump.

Diego: No, am I missing something>

Rio: I think hes trying to say the cameras have been tampered with.

Diego: Who could have done that, did someone kidnap them?

A: Will you shut up so I can work, whoever hacked the cameras is clearly good theyve coded it all its going to take me at least 30 minutes to override it. Go tell Papá.

Running downstairs, I tell Papá what Arlo found and that hes overriding it. I can see how stressed Papá is hes got his head in his hands I think if we dont find the girls soon, he might just lose it.

Its been 20 mins since I left Arlo to find out who hacked the cameras. Turning to papa I say, Should we go up now see what hes found.

Once back in the camera room Arlo is still busy trying to hack it. Are you nearly done.

A: Yes almost there one last code to crack and were in.... and done now just to rewind n see what we find.


A: Yes, theyve been in the gym this whole time.

Diego: Wait if they been in the gym this whole time who hacked the cameras?

A: I dont know the code said rebels. Ive heard of them before they are well known, but I dont know why they would hack our cameras.

Diego: Do you think the girls know who the rebels are?

A: I doubt it theyve never revealed who they are.

Rio: what are we going to do are we going to get the girls or not?

Antonio: No leave them for now they are safe and in the house. Arlo, Rio i want you to try find out who these rebels are.

R&A: On it Papá."

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