Chapter 25

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Lucia's POV:

It's been 6 hours since they took De down for surgery, Im pacing the walls. it's all my fault I just had to try save that dog. Im so stupid. I cant live without De, I wont live without De.

Antonio's POV:

My daughter died she fucking dies all i know is they were still working on getting her heart back started as they wheeled her off behind them doors. No one has come out yet with an update. Im trying to stay strong for everyone but it's hard all i want to do is scream at everyone. I've only just got them back now I'm going to lose one of them. Lucia hasnt sat down yet shes been pacing back and forth the boys dont look any better than Lucia. Please dont die on me my sweet baby girl, you have to fight this.

Mateo's POV:

I should be back there, saving her. Im the doctor of the family. It's my responsibility to make sure they are safe. Ive failed and the stupid doctors wont let me save her. She got shot for fuck sake. How could we let them go on this stupid mission. Am going to find a doctor they are going to tell me what the hell is happening.

Marco's POV:

I shouldnt have let them go, I knew it was a bad idea from the start, I should have had more men hidden around. What the hell was Enzo doing there, how did he know what was happening, I didnt tell him. Im so glad he was there if he wasnt my sister could well be dead in that alleyway if it wasnt for him.

Diego's POV:

How could I off missed him, I didnt even see him. I should have been down there with them not in that stupid apartment block, I took too long to get to her. Im so stupid I may as well of killed her myself. Im supposed to be the best sniper, yet I didnt even see him till it was too late.

Rio's POV:

Im so glad I called Enzo if I hadnt things could have been worse. But I should have gone too. Some brother I am. Looking at Arlo hes thinking the exact same as me. We all are. We let them girls go out there and put them in harm's way. It should be us om that hospital bed not her.

Enzo's POV:

She fucking died in my arms; how could she do that to me. Stupid women. Getting in my head and then dying. I dont fucking like her, I only care for her because shes my best friend's sister, yes thats it, it's not because I like her at all. Women are no good other than for making babies and cleaning the house. Why does this hurt so much then. She needs to live. Ive got to make this up to her she is my baby, maybe I do like her. I know I care for her. This is all so confusing. You better live Dani you have to answer these questions. I need to take you on a date and everything you can't go before that can happen. You're changing me women.

After 8 hours of surgery the doctors finally came out...

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