Chapter 8

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Rio's POV:

We rush back to the car as quick as we can before the police show up that's the last thing we need, we would definitely be killed by our Papá. Turning to Arlo I say,

R: "I need you to call Mateo now, and brief him on what happened and tell him he needs to hack the security system before that video is leaked"

A: "On it!"

R: "Girls, I need you to tell me what the fuck happened back there, and where the fuck did you learn to fight like that."

L: "That fat disgusting pig of a man touched my arse, so I screamed and punched him in face!"

D: "I heard Lu scream and saw her hit him, so I just went for it, not my fault. He touched my sister!"

A: "Mateo is fuming, he's downloading the security video now and removing it from the system as we speak"

(* turning to Rio) (speaking in Spanish) (Spanish in bold) 

A: "That's no self-defence fighting, they are clearly professionally taught, especially Daniela"

R: "I know, we need to find out where they learned how to fight like that, but how? They don't trust us, we're their brothers and they don't trust us!"

A: "Hopefully they trust us soon"

We pull up the driveway and see Papá and Marco stood at the doorway with their arms crossed. 'Oh, dam they are pissed, this is going to be fun'. (*sighs)

We get out of the car and our Papa shouts "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED". We all head inside, to the sitting room where Arlo explains what happened and what he saw go down all while Mateo checks over Daniela and Lucía hands to make sure they don't have any injuries.

Daniela's POV:

Mateo is checking over my hand's I know I haven't injured them. I know how to throw a punch without injuring myself am not some stupid little girl.

Mateo says, loud enough for the others to hear if they are listening.

"Seems like you've not damaged it, you're just going to have some bruise's" then he whisper's

"You need to tell us where you learned to fight like that"

D: "No"

M "Why not?".  "We're you familia"

D "No you're not" (*storms out of room heads to bedroom)

Lu follows me upstairs and locks our bedroom door behind her. I quickly text Eli 'I need a fight now, any look' its nearly 4pm dinner is at 7pm I really hope Eli finds me a fight in the next 3 hours.
Turning to Lu, (*sigh) "I need to release some energy recon they got a gym or something"

L: "Get your gym stuff on we can go ask Arlo"

Quickly changing into some gym wear we head back downstairs to find Arlo he wasn't too hard to find looks like he's in the kitchen.

I shout "Arlo!" (*Arlo turns and nods with a gob full of crisps) "Is there a gym anywhere?"

Nodding again "Yeah, it's just down the corridor turn left then right, and you will see 2 double doors go through there and you're at the gym"

"Thanks" I start walking away following his directions with Lu right behind me. "A good gym session will do us some good Lu"

Lu: "Yea it's been a while since we actually properly worked out"
We spend the next 2hours in the gym its huge it's got a padded floor for hand-to-hand combat, punching bags as well as weights, steam room and sauna and your typical home gym equipment.
Just in time for a quick shower before dinner is ready.

Just in time for a quick shower before dinner is ready

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Mateo's POV:

Once the girls head upstairs I check to see if the video had finished downloading on to my laptop. I got to work quickly removing any traces of me in their system, the video has been encrypted and anyone who tries to retrieve it will end up with a virus on their system.

I decide to watch the video myself; I see them both talking near McDonalds, behind them in the que is a huge guy, easy over 6ft tall hard to tell exactly, he reaches behind Lucía and smacks her arse there is no sound on the video so all I see is Lucía punching him before Daniela jumps on his back, and puts him in a choke hold before you see him fall on his knees, he looks like he might pass out any second, Daniela must of notice that too because she changes tactics and he gets a swift boot to the chest before she starts repeatedly punches him in the face. Then Rio finally steps in to put an end to it, it's a good job he did too it looked like she wasn't going to stop any time soon. Shes good in fact maybe I should show Marco he might want to recruit her, we might even find out more about her then, I wonder if Lucía can fight just as good as her, she can throw one hell of punch that's for sure. What the hell did that mother of ours do to them?.

I decide to go speak with Marco, he's currently in his office, I knock on the office door and walk in. He is talking in Italian so he must be talking to Lorenzo Morelli. He quickly says goodbye and ends the call.

Mateo: Everything ok, what did Lorenzo want?

Marco: Dont worry about that. What do you want?" he snarls at me.

Mateo: Oh ok, I've finished messing with the system, now there is no trace of Arlo, Rio, Daniela or Lucía ever stepping foot into that building

Marco: Good, anything else?

Mateo: Yes, you should watch the video (shows video) Daniela can fight

Marco: Your right but I'm not doing what you're clearly thinking, it's far too dangerous weve only just got them back!

Mateo: Fine, don't forget dinner is in an hour I proceed to walk out of the door not bothering to wait for a reply.

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