Chapter 31

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Danielas POV:

1 month has gone since I got shot and nearly died, for the last month Ive been cooped up in the house apparently, I can't be trusted not to get arrested. I decided to use the time wisely and look up the old camp if you can call it that, turns out its still up and running, and Ive decided to take them down, they cant and will not hurt anyone else. I found out the head of the camp and where he lives, his favourite spots to go to, I basically know more about him than he does, as soon as I get a chance, Im going to kill him and his little gooneys that run around after him. Im going to get the family in on it to help me, I cant do this alone, so Ive got to trust them.

Tonight, though Im a free girl and I plan to go to a street race with or without Rio and Arlo. I may even see if they will let me race. Me and Lu head downstairs to try find our Papa we decided to be honest this time, (laughs) we head down to the gym to see them all working out I decide just to come straight out with it,

Me and Lu are going with the twins and Vasco to the street race tonight.

Marco: HELL NO!

Antonio: Not a chance.

Diego: Youd just be bored girls.

(sigh) Im a street racer. (eye roll)

Mateo: Youre a what?

Lu: Shes Raven.

A&R: YOURE THEE RAVEN? they shout.


Arlo: Wait, isnt there an underground fighter called Raven also? he asks while looking at me and Lu.

I stare at Lu in disbelief, is she for fucking real. Why can't she keep her mouth shut now, I'm going to have to tell them everything.

Yes, that is also me.

Arlo: I always thought Raven was a man not a girl. Wow!

Marco: Seriously?

Yeah, I know what Im doing, I already have my own car.

Diego: You cant drive it.

I know, Luna will drive there and back, Ill only drive it in the race, please Papa, I want to get back to my normal self.

Rio: Luna?

Yes Rio, your girlfriend Luna.

Rio: How?

Lu: It wasnt hard to figure out.

Antonio: You have a girlfriend and didnt tell us?

Rio: Yeah, but are you 2 ok with that? With her being your friend and everything?

Lu: Yeah, hurt her and we will kill you, brother or no brother.

Oh, and we looked into the deal with you Diego we signed the agreement, Luna will bring the paperwork later on.

Diego: Really. I nod my head.

Lu: So can we go Papa?

Mateo: Why dont we all go?

Arlo: Yayy familia outing to the street races. everyone starts laughing.

Marco: I want to see her race.

Diego: Me too.

Antonio: Fine.

One more thing, we cant tell Uncle Miguel about Vasco.

Antonio: He already knows, hes just waiting for Vasco to tell him the truth. With that we all go get ready for the race. I cant wait.

Rios POV:

I'm glad the girls are ok with me dating Luna, I know you shouldn't date your sisters best friend but from the moment i saw her, I knew she was the one, then when De got shot, I would see her at the hospital a lot and we just got closer, I know a bit about her past because of how she met my sisters and I wont judge her for it.

Anyway, we all get ready and bring our cars round to the front, Papa and Mateo are in 1 car while Marco and Diego are in another obviously me and Arlo are in our own. Lus decided to go in my car with me so she can sit the front, were standing around chatting when Luna finally turns up in a beautiful Matt Black Audi R8.

Arlo: Thats your car?

De: Yeah, shes a beauty, right? she says while laughing.

Everyone nods their heads.

Diego: Do you have a car, Lu?

Lu: Yeah same as Des just blue, I dont race so its at Lunas house.

Marco: Well you can keep your cars here we can go collect it tomorrow.

Lu: Really?

Antonio: Yeah, you cant drive them till your 18 though.

As their talking, I walk over to Luna giving her a quick kiss before going back to my own car telling everyone to hurry up or were going to be late, everyone jumps in their cars and off we go.

Arlos POV:

Weve been driving for about 20 minutes when Luna pulls over to side of the road, we all end up doing the same. Everyone gets out of their cars wondering whats going on, we see the girl's all switching places, Des now getting into the driver's seat Lu in passenger and Luna jumps into Rios car, and they all have purple wigs, contacts. I see Papa storm up to Des car and he says in a pissed off tone Daniela why the hell are you driving?

De: I have to drive in there in my own car Papa.

Marco: You promised to only drive in the race El.

De: I know, that's why I made Luna get a close as possible before we switched its only 2 miles down the road, Raven doesnt let anyone drive her car.

Diego: Youre not Raven.

Lu: Right now she is, this is going to annoy you more but when we get there you cant act like our Papa or our brothers.

Why not? I ask.

De: Because Im Raven right now, and if they see that Im close terms with the Garcias my identity could be revealed, not just this one but also my fighting one, we wear disguises, so no one knows who we are.

Rio: Thats why you all have a purple wigs and contacts.

Lu: We have different disguises for different things anyway you cant talk to us like you normally would, Des a great driver Papa, I wouldnt get in the car with her if she wasnt.

Antonio: Fine but drive safe.

De: I will Papa, love you.

Antonio: Love you both.

Come on let's go.

Mateo: Come on Papa, their fine.

Just as those words come out of Mateos mouth De decides it a funny idea to do a fucking donut in the middle of the road, I hear Papa shouting her name, but shes already gone, now everyones back in their cars driving to catch up to De, damn that girl can drive.

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