Chapter 5

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Daniela's POV:

After a long gruelling 9-hour flight to Spain, we finally land. I hate flying I always have so while Lu slept most of the flight I stayed awake.
While we were flying me and Antonio spoke, well he spoke while I listened. He told me about my brother's there's 5 them, Marco is the oldest then there's Diego who's the 2nd eldest, Mateo who we've met, then there's the twins Rio and Arlo. He explained how they've been looking for us for the past 13 years ever since our mother took us. He never stopped looking. We also have 4 uncles on his side we have 13 cousins which are all male! Me and Lu are the only girls which is just GREAT! (*eye roll)
We pull-up too some huge iron gates with guards, in the middle of the long driveway there's the most beautiful water fountain leading up to the door.

 We also have 4 uncles on his side we have 13 cousins which are all male! Me and Lu are the only girls which is just GREAT! (*eye roll)We pull-up too some huge iron gates with guards, in the middle of the long driveway there's the most beautiful w...

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I look up at Lu and she's amazed by it too. Talking to her in Danish I say,

De: "wow er det ikke stort" - (wow isn't this huge)

Lu: "Vi burde være bekymrede, hvorfor er der så mange vagter" - (we should be worried, why's there so many guards) "Hvad laver de?" - (what do they do?)

De: "Jeg ved ikke" - (I don't know) (*sigh) "Lad as ikke blive komfortable"- (lets no get too comfortable)

Lu: "Ja, aftalt" - (yes, agreed)

Mateo looks at us puzzled bot doesn't question it.
Antonio: "We've arrived, I told your brothers to get your rooms ready I hope you'll like them."

Lu: "Thanks, but we prefer to stay together"

M: "Why, its big enough for you to have separate bedrooms"
Lucia stays quite

A: "No worries, you can share a room for now."

We walk in together me and Lu walking slower to check for escape routes if we need them, we walk through the door and are greeted by loud screams.


All we hear is multiple voices and footsteps running into the hallway.

A: "boys stop you'll freak them out."

Rio: "But Papa we just want to say hola."

One of them moves Antonio to the side,
"hola, Daniela, Lucía. Which one's which" one the boys say I can tell he's one of the twins because the other ones right beside him and they're the only 2 who look identical.

De: "I'm Daniela and this is Lucía" I point behind me.

Arlo: "I'm Arlo and this is my twin Rio we're 19, that's Marco he's 28 and Diego he's 26, don't know if Mateo told you his age but he's 23" he says while pointing to each one.

De: "Hi" Lu just waves. Turning to Antonio I ask "Can you show us to our rooms please."

Arlo: "Yes this way, boys make yourself busy"
All the boys disappear, making it just us, we follow him to our room for now. When he opens the door, we see a huge king size bed with a bed side table at each side with beautiful lamps on both, the room is black and grey it match's me perfectly, to the left of the room there is a door which leads to an en suite bathroom.

A: "I hope you like it, there's a walk-in closet too, you can put your clothes in there for now and we will see about going shopping tomorrow, I'll leave you be so you can settle in, dinner will be at 7".
We just nod our heads

I turn to Lu and tell her to go get a shower and I'll keep guard of the door.

Lucía's POV:

That shower was nice after sleeping on the plane. Its 6pm according to the clock on the bedside table which means De has an hour to get herself sorted and be ready for dinner. I don't know if De will want to eat though but I'm starving we haven't eaten for nearly 3 days now mother said we wasn't good enough for it.
15 minutes later De's out of the shower and dressed we just sit on the bed too far into our own heads. After another 15 minutes go by De turns to me and asks "should we go down and get food or not" I'm unsure what to say I don't trust these people, but Arlo seems nice and so does Mateo I mean he didn't have to help De with her shoulder.After along debate we decide its best to go get some food we're both starving.

De is wearing her typical black skinny jeans, top and her leather jacket let's not forget the knife strapped to her ankle. (*sigh) Me on the other hand i only wear black for our missions oh yeah, we're both assassins (*laughs) I'm wearing some jeans, my favorite belt it has a small knife hidden in the buckle awesome right? (*laughs) with a jumper over top don't want them asking questions if they saw our scars.

We walk downstairs and follow the noise but before we walk in, we hear one of the boys say "Why are they so quiet, what do you think happened to them"

Antonio replies "We just have to be there for them, we don't know what your mother did but as soon as we get a hold her, she'll be as good as dead"

Daniela walks into the room 1st and everyone goes quite "She's already dead" all eyes are on her as if they are waiting for her to continue.

Marco: "What do you mean she's already dead?"

De: "I killed her and Jake"

Diego: "Who's Jake"

(speaking in Filipino)
Lu: "Shut up you're saying too much"

De: Ok, my bad"

Marco: "Speak either English or Spanish"

Lu: "Fine"

I can see De staring at him with that cold glare she does, I calm her down and we sit to eat the food.
The food was amazing, we had gazpacho for starters it basically a cold soup but the flavors from garlic tomatoes and peppers were amazing with the fresh crispy bread. Main was even better Fabada they said it was called was basically just a bunch of pork meats I ate so much my belly feels like it might explode.
The conversation was quiet to be honest few questions but not too much.
Me and De say our good nights and head on up to bed.

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