Chapter 33

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Lucias POV:

Its been a week of constant surveillance of that camp, I hate having to watch what they do to them kids every day so today Im taking a break I need to or I will go insane, plus it's like a week until Christmas I havent bought a single present for anyone so Im dragging De, Luna and Mia to come shopping with me. 

C'mon De, I know you want to get them, but we have to take a break you're going to go insane if not.

De: We have to get then Lu, the kids are nearly broken, one has already been killed by them we cant lose anymore before we save them. 

I know De, but if we keep going the way we are, were going to make mistakes just take a break just for today please. Luna and Mia will be here soon to pick us up. 

De: Fine but am telling Rio and Arlo to carry on watching. 

DEAL! Now let's go!

Ive never been excited for Christmas, it's not like we ever got presents anyway unless you want to count the extra beating wed get on that day, but we finally have a proper family, and I cant wait to see their faces Christmas morning when they open our presents. 

Weve been shopping for like 6hours Ive almost got everyones, but I need to find something for De, Im going to get her a black obsidian ring with the date we got free 23/04/23 and me a matching smaller ring inscribed with finally free. I know its a bit morbid seen as the day we got free was also the day we killed our mother, but it's a day I never want to forget too. 

Enzos POV: 

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Enzos POV: 

Ive been shopping today to try and find the perfect present for my Dani. It wasnt easy as I had to also avoid her, I didnt want her finding out I was getting her something Ive got to go give her It tomorrow as Im flying back to Italy that night. Ive decided to get her a new gun and specially made ammo which have a D and a black rose stamped into the casings. I also picked up some blue metallic throwing knifes for Lucia I thought if Im going to ever get Dani to accept a date with me, I best get her sister on my side too, I hope they will like them..

(Time skip)

Danielas POV:

Well todays Christmas day, first real one were having. The whole familia is coming later as well as our friends, it took ages to get the right gifts for everyone and then Enzo showed up with gifts for me and Lu, we both loved them seen as I didnt get him anything I decided to give him a kiss of the cheek and called him Enzo he seemed happy enough with that but now Lu wont leave it alone. (sigh) 

Anyway, we head downstairs and have breakfast with our Papa and brothers then its opening presents time, everyone handed out their gifts me and Lu got some really nice stuff, and they all loved the presents we gave them, Lu then hands me mine and I see the most beautiful set of matching rings I look close at the engraving on them both and laugh I show the rest of them and wait for them to click on, not only is it the day I killed our mother but it's also the day we found our familia again, I gave Lu her present its a chunky solid gold chain link bracelet, i also got her a bullet pendant for her chain the bullet turns into a swiss army knife. She loved it.

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Christmas dinner was great, our familia treated our friends nice, everyone accepted Rio and Luna, our aunts carried on asking about Enzo as hed rang me to wish me a happy Christmas while he was with his parents and 2 younger brothers which I didnt...

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Christmas dinner was great, our familia treated our friends nice, everyone accepted Rio and Luna, our aunts carried on asking about Enzo as hed rang me to wish me a happy Christmas while he was with his parents and 2 younger brothers which I didnt even know he had.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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