Chapter 24

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Danielas POV:

Today is the day we take down the Riot Kings. This should be an easy job if everything goes to plan. Its currently 10am so weve got over 12 hours till we have to meet them so me and Lu decided to act like it's a normal day and go to Uni, especially seen as one of the Riot King members goes there, we dont want them to be thinking weve gone into hiding. I shout for Rio and Arlo hurry up guys were already late

Arlo: Late for what.

De: Uni you idiot.

Rio: You're not going, Lu has a hit on her head. Do you really think its smart going today.

Lu: We have to if you 2 go and we dont the Riot Kings are going to get suspicious and think weve gone into hiding.

Arlo: This is stupid, but fine you stay with us the whole time though.

D&L: Deal now go.

Uni was uneventful, it was kind of boring in fact. Its now 6pm 4 hours till we leave and get into our positions. Were currently waiting for Luna, Mia and Eli to get here to go over the plan again and have some food before setting off.

Lucia's POV:

Its nearly time to go.

Marco: You really dont have to do this you 2 I can have a team go do this right now.

De: No this is our job the hit is on Lu I have to make sure the job is done right.

Marco: So what you're saying is my team wont do the job right?

De: Im not saying that, I am saying we will.

Lu: Lets not start an argument, am sorry Marco but we are doing this job, and we arent alone were taking Diego.

Diego: What about me?

De: Nothing was just saying you're coming with us.

Diego: Ready to go?

D&L: Yeah.

We set off a while ago Diego is driving, while me and De double check everything, we arrive early to make sure there isn't any surprises. Let's get this over with.

Enzo's POV:

My parents werent happy that I had to leave, we were meant to be having dinner today. They've come to Spain for the Mafia Gala and to see the Garcias they haven't met the twins yet.

I arrive early at the spot Rio told me, making sure my cars hidden out of site. Rio gave me an earpiece earlier on the sly, so I could listen in and react fast if it goes tits up. I honestly dont understand why hes letting them girls do it. We should have done it at least then no one would get hurt.

(wait why would I care if they got hurt)

(its normal to care about someone you like, idiot)

(I'm not an idiot! And I dont like Dani!)

(I never said which one, did I?)

(Shut up brain.)

Daniela's POV:

(Speaking in earpiece)

Checking the connection, everyone in place?

Mia&Luna: Check.

Eli: Check.

Diego: Check.


I turn to ask Lu Is your earpiece good? she gives me a nod.

Diego: They're here.

Going forward I call out Im looking for a Dominic

Man 1: Whos asking?

Twin Rebels."

Before anything else is said we hear gun shot.

Lucia's POV:

As were walking closer to these idiots, I realise two of them havent turned around, as I hear De talking, I step to the side to see what's going on, that's when I hear it. A dog whining while them 2 fuckers are hurting it, before I could even understand what I was doing, I had my gun in my hand and fired 2 shots straight into their fucking heads. Next thing I hear is De shouting,




Before De could even finish the Riot Kings were shooting back its turned into an all-out war, we see a couple of them go down.


I see De running up to a few lads with her knives out stabbing them, Mia and Luna join in, we got at least 26 of them down so far luckily, they didnt bring any younger ones with them today. We thought we were down to the last one, it wasnt until De was already on the floor bleeding out did, I realise, we missed one.

Lu: DE, DE SHES BEEN SHOT! I scream. I point my gun at the fucker who shot my sister and emptied half of my bullets into that fucker's body, I run over to De holding my hand over the gunshot wound to stop the bleeding.

DIEGO, DIEGO. I scream over the earpiece. I can hear running, hes coming. I turn to Mia Get the dog. Through the earpiece I hear a loud shout DANI but the only one who calls her that is Enzo, I look up to see him running towards us.

Enzo's POV:

Im sat in my car listening to everything it sounds like the girls are ok, but in the next second I hear Lucia shouting DE, DE, SHES BEEN SHOT. My mind went blank and before I could even think, I was out of the car running towards her, as I turn the corner, I see her laid on the floor with her sister over her pushing on her chest, I shout out DANI I run over to her pushing Lucia out of the way.


I turn to Lucia and shout GO GET THE FUCKING CAR.

Just as I've finished speaking Diegos already shouting at me to get in, as I get in the car, hes already got Mateo on the loudspeaker, and I can hear Marco in the back shouting at his men to make sure all of them are dead and to collect my car, I can tell their already on the way to the hospital.

As were speeding down the streets I just stare at Dani with one hand on her neck making sure I can still feel her pulse and another over her wound to try stop the bleeding, Im whispering to her You cant leave me, dont you dare leave me, Ive been such an idiot towards you, i need to make it up to you, please De..please dont leave me.

I hear a very faint its Daniela to y.. and her pulse is gone. I shout through the phone to Mateo SHES NOT BREATHING. DO CPR NOW ENZO! he shouts. I start CPR but it's not working there's still no pulse Come on baby please. we arrive at the hospital; Mateo pulls her off me and lays her on a bed while the doctors carry on doing CPR and they wheel her and go behind closed doors.

Will Daniela survive?

How will Lucia react to this?

Will Enzo get his chance?

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