Chapter 26

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Antonio's POV:

After 8 hours of waiting the doctor has finally come out.

Doc: Shes in the ICU now, the bullets was cm's away for her heart, she was very lucky. Weve had to put her in a medically induced coma its touch and go whether she pulls through this, she was without oxygen for 7mins after she arrived with us. She may not be the same person she was before even if she does come out of this coma. You can go see her soon but one at a time and only immediate family for the time being. Am sorry I cannot give you anything else right now."

Antonio: So shes alive?

Doc: She is, it's up to her now though we did as much as we could.

My daughter is alive, well sort of shes in a coma but I know she will survive this. She is a fighter after all.

I tell Marco to call the rest of the familia I cant deal with that right now. I know they will want to come to the hospital, but they will have to wait.

Going into the ICU I see her hooked to all these machines. I hear the steady beat of her heart that soothes me. All I can think is this was so close. I sit there and hold her hand whispering You have to fight this, I know you can do it. Your brothers and sister and I need you to pull through this. This is your fight now. I decide to leave to let Lucia come in she is so beside herself with worry.

Lucias POV:

I wanted to hug the doctor after she told us she was alive. I still hate myself for being the cause of this. I go in and sit at her bed side crying holding her hand so tight so she cant leave me. De I need you, I cant do this alone. You need to come back, your my best friend. Im so sorry please come back, I love you.

I must have fallen asleep holding her because the next thing I know the doctors are waking my up telling me visiting times are over and I have to go home. Before I leave, I give her a quick kiss on her forehead and tell her not to die and that I love her, leaving the room with tear streaming down my face. She wont die she cant die after everything weve been through, she cant die cos of a stupid mistake I made.

Everyone is still out in the waiting room, Im sorry guys they said visiting time is over. I walk out of the hospital and head toward the car waiting for someone to unlock it to get it. The world is going by but Im barley here. Before I know it, Im at home and in our room. This makes me cry even more I got my sister killed I did it.

Mateos POV:

Seeing Lucia robot like, its like shes here but she isnt at the same time. I know she blames herself for this. I go up her room to check on her and just see her crying I walk in and put my arm around her, she jumps at first but then she just cries into my shoulder whispering sweet nothing into her ear while I stroke her hair, this is hard on her shes trying to stay strong I can see that. Shes finally fallen asleep after crying for 2 solid hour it must have wiped her out. I lay her down in her bed and tuck her in, she grabs a hold of my hand as am trying to leave and says, please dont leave me.

I wont Lucia, I promise.

Marcos POV:

It's been a week since El (his nickname for Daniela) has been in a coma now, even though she drove me insane I would do anything to hear her call me a coglione (wanker) again. Mateo became her doctor after she came out of the surgery so hes able to keep a close eye on her, the rest of the family have been to visit her, even our grandfather cried he has such a soft spot for the girls, he comes back to the hospital every day to see them, hes become quite close with Lucia. Just as I'm lost in thought the door opens and in walks Mateo.

Mateo: I want to bring her out of the coma today.

Antonio: Are you sure Hijo? (son)

Mateo: Yes Papá, I think shes ready.

You think? You not pulling her out until you know for sure.

Mateo: I know what I'm doing Marco, i wouldnt suggest it if i thought it was too early.



Carlos (the granddad): ENOUGH he shouts. We soon stop talking he then turns his attention to El, while talking to Mateo he asks, Are you sure shes ready Mateo?

Mateo: Yes Abuelo, (grandfather) everything looks good, her vitals are stable, shes doing well, the longer we leave her in the coma the more damage there might be.

Antonio: Then do it.


Antonio: ENOUGH MARCO! Mateo knows what hes doing.

Diego: Will she wake up straight away?

Mateo: No, it could take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours for her to come round.

Arlo: And what happens if she doesnt wake up after 48 hours?

Mateo: A lot could happen if she doesnt but Danielas a fighter, I'm sure she will be fine. he says while smiling at Arlo

I know hes saying it like that because he doesnt want to worry our younger siblings, but I've already looked into it only 15% come back the same, I can only hope El is in that 15%.

Rio: Im going to text Enzo, he wanted to be kept up to date on any changes.

I see Mateo walk over to Lucia and tell her Everything is going to be alright; you know her better than anyone you know shes a fighter. Lucia just nods her head.

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