Chapter 6

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Daniela's POV:

I wake up at 6am, seeing that Lu is awake I tell her to go back to sleep and ill wake her up later to go down for breakfast. I check the bedroom door again to make sure it's still locked. Walking into the bathroom to do my morning routine, keeping the door open so I can keep an eye on Lu, once I've finished in the bathroom i head towards the walk-in closet to change into my Black crop top, with my black combat jeans and my black combat boots paired with my signature Black leather jacket.

Antonio said we can go shopping today to get more clothes but i hate shopping, we didn't have many clothes at our mothers house, we had to keep up the act that we didn't make much money from our weekend jobs, yes they let us have the jobs but we h...

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Antonio said we can go shopping today to get more clothes but i hate shopping, we didn't have many clothes at our mothers house, we had to keep up the act that we didn't make much money from our weekend jobs, yes they let us have the jobs but we had to give them all of our wages so that could spend it all on drugs and alcohol, we only ever gave them 90% of it so we could keep some money for ourselves, but we do in fact have a lot of money saved from our business's and from my underground fights and my street races. Not to mention the payments we get from our assassin jobs.

It's now 7:30am so it's around 12:30 in Chicago now so i call my friend luna to give her an update on the situation.

D: "Hey, how's the business's going? Any problems?"

Luna: "No issues since the last time you called, that's not the only reason you called, is it?"

D: "No I thought I'd just ask first, how is everyone? Good I hope?"

Luna: "Yes we're all good here, missing you girls loads, can't wait to see you both."

D: "We're missing you guys too, when will you be moving? Can you get Eli to find me a fight down here? I need to kick some ass."

Luna: "Looking to move there in the next 2 weeks and yeah I'll get him to arrange it from tomorrow night, Raven is making a comeback across the world." (*laughs)

D: (laughing) "Also don't forget to have my bikes and our cars shipped over, text me the details of the fight, bye for now."

Luna: "I will do, Bye catch you later."

I look at the clock and see its 8 so I decide to wake up Lu and tell her I've just spoken with Luna (*smirk/smile).

Lucía's POV:

Seeing De smile is a little insane, what is she up to? Giving my head a shake I get up, go to the closet and pick my clothes, todays clothes are, blue washed boyfriend cut jeans, skin tone top and my off-white jacket.

Seeing De smile is a little insane, what is she up to? Giving my head a shake I get up, go to the closet and pick my clothes, todays clothes are, blue washed boyfriend cut jeans, skin tone top and my off-white jacket

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I head to the bathroom and start my morning routine, brushing my curly black hair and my teeth, wash my face and add a little bit of make-up, I can't wait for shopping today I love it but De HATES shopping.

We head down for breakfast, everyone is around the dinner table, they all stop talking as we walk in. De and I sit down in the same spot as yesterday, De grabs me 2 pancakes and some summer fruits and gets herself something too, we are sat pushing food around our plates when I hear Mateo say something, looking up from my plate I ask him "what?"

Mateo quietly "eat"

At that point I begin eating properly. I am in my own world when I hear my name been called.

Arlo: "Lucía, Lucía earth to Lucía."

L: "yes, what?"

Arlo: "Are you excited for us to come shopping with you?"

L: "with you? why are we going with you? De?"

Daniela: "Arlo, right? (*Arlo nods) we can go shopping alone you don't need to come with us."

Arlo: "I do we have to make sure you don't get hurt"
Antonio: "how do you plan on getting there?"

Daniela: "well you could give us your keys and we can drive"

Everyone starts laughing
Diego: "wait you're not serious right, you're 16 you can't drive here till you're 18."

Daniela: "Well that's shit"

Speaking in Filipino to De. (Bold words are spoken in Filipino)

L: "I need to go so what do we do? We could just lose them"

Marco: "I told you English or Spanish" he shouts.

De glares at him and says, "Don't you talk to my sister like that tu cogline" (you wanker) she sneers, I grab her arm to calm her down and look up to notice they must have understood Italian by the shocked expression on their faces.

Lu: "Fine! The twins can come" I say

Arlo: "Yey, we can leave at 11, it's now 10 that's enough time for you to get yourselves ready."

L: "We're ready now, we can go when you're ready."
Rio: "Good, let's go! Sooner we're done shopping the better. I hate shopping" (*eye roll)

De: (*laughing) "Me too".

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