Chapter 23

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Daniela: They want Lucia dead ....

Antonio's POV:

As soon as those words left Daniela's mouth I went crazy. The Riot Kings want to kill my daughter? Not a fucking chance. I look at all my sons and I can tell theyre already planning how to kill them, but first we need answers. I turn to Daniela and ask, How do you know theyre going after Lucia? I can see the wheels turning in her head, deciding whether to tell us part of it or all of it, she looks at Lucia who just nods her head, I hear Daniela sigh before she says,

Youve heard of The Twin Rebels, right? she asks.

Arlo: You mean the hackers?

Marco: Or the assassins?

Lucia: Both.

Yes, weve heard of them but what that got to do with this?

Daniela: We are The Twin Rebels, both the hackers and the assassins.

Diego: What?

Mateo: So you're saying that you 2 are the cold, ruthless twin rebels that will kill anyone for the right price?

Lucia: Not anyone no, we only kill the ones who deserve it, just like you guys really.

Daniela: When someone wants a job doing, they contact Luna, give her the details of who and what theyve done, Mia does a background check on the target and Eli watches them for a couple of days, so we know the best time to strike.

Rio: So someone contacted Luna, to put a hit out on Lucia not knowing that she was one of the twin rebels?

Daniela: Yes.

Antonio: But why?

Luna: Because shes a Garcia.

Antonio: WHAT!

Luna: Basically The Riot Kings want to move up in the world to do that they need to go after someone at the top, which is the Garcias, they wanted Marco but were warned against it, the girls are what holds this family together, they think by killing Lucia the rest of the family will fall.

Daniela: Luna, accept the job.

Marco: WHAT? NO! Why would you accept it?

Daniela: Are you serious? Obviously, I need to, if I dont The Riot Kings will find someone else for the job and the next person will go after her.

Marco: You arent going alone.

Daniela: Marco, usually we wouldnt even meet them in person, normally we have a phone placed in a private area and discuss things from a distance. Weve always seen them theyve never met us no one has. This time were going to meet them and take them down.

Luna: so am I telling them a meet point

Daniela: Yes, tell them we expect full payment in advance. We aren't taking down one of the biggest names without payment first.

Luna: Got it

Daniela: And Eli and Lu, I need you to get me as much detail as possible about them we cant be going in blind.

Marco: Take Diego with you hes the best sniper we have.

Daniela: I dont need a sniper we can do this without you lot getting involved.

Marco: I dont care either Diego goes, or you dont!

Daniela: Fine he comes but he has to stay back and hes only to be shoot when I give the signal not a second before. Got it

Diego: Dam your bossy

Luna: They said meet in 3days at 11pm in alley on Campbell Street they will have the money

Daniela: Good that give us 3 days to prepare

Its been 2days so were just preparing the detail of who will be where and who doing what.

Diego is the sniper he will be in the apartment building just a few feet away from the alley way. Lu is good with her knifes so she will be sticking close to me she will also have a gun just incase. Eli will be watching the camera making sure no one gets away and they are no sneak attacks, and Luna & Mia will be hiding close by ready for when the action starts. We have to go alone, or they will get suspicious. Hopefully nothing messes this up. We found out that they a low time drug deals trying to get big they have killed a few cops and gone after a few of the other gangs in the area taking over their areas. They are about 30 people in there gang the youngest just been 12. What person hires kids to do their dirty work is beyond me. Anyone under the age of 15 will be spared and given the chance at a normal life or if they wish they can join the Garcias.

We have our disguises ready. We can't use my raven one as that will compromise raven. So were going to have electric blue wigs and purple contacts we will also have a mask on to cover our faces.

Night before the meet up.

Rio's POV:

I dont know how I feel about letting the girls go on job alone. I decided to give Enzo a call filling him in with everything that happened over the last few days and ask if he could go but keep himself hidden.

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