Chapter 10

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Arlo's POV:

It's been a few hours since the girls come out of Papas office, I wonder what their up to. I think I might go up and see what they're doing.

I knock on door and all I hear is giggling and shushing, so I shout,

"It's me Arlo, can I come in?" I hear scrambling and what sounds like someone falling over, followed by more giggling before the door finally unlocks to relieve Lucía stood blocking the doorway not letting me look in, that's when I finally smell it and I whisper,

Are you smoking? she then shushes me and pulls me into their room locking the door again.

I whisper shout "What the hell do you think you're doing, are you stupid?"

Lucía replies, "Oh shut up big brother, do you want some?" (She passes me the joint).

Then I realise my Hermana's (sisters) are badass and decide to join them, we spend the next 1 hour just relaxing, and joking around while passing the joints between us. Daniela decides she wants to go get some munch, which is surprising especially after Mateo said.

We head downstairs to see what munch we can find in the kitchen. Acting as natural as we can, we attempted to make brownies, its turns into a massive food fight with flour and eggs being thrown all over the kitchen and ourselves, Lucía is currently rolling all over the floor after flour bombing Daniela. Daniela picks up an egg, attempting to throw it at me in the doorway, laughing at her I duck just in time, and it collides with the wall or so I thought. I looked at my sisters, to see they had stopped laughing and realised they both had shocked faces looking behind me. I turn round to see Marco stood in the doorway with egg on his shirt and the rest of our familia behind him. Oh shit, were done for it.

Lucía: "Busted!" (*Laughing)

Daniela: "Every man for themselves, RUN!"

I turn back to my sisters, and see theyve already made a break for the door leading to the garden. I quickly scramble to make my escape but end up not going anywhere, realising something is holding me I turn around and see Diego is holding my shirt collar.

Marco: "Hablar! (Speak) What the joder (fuck) are you doing?"

Arlo: "Brownies" (*laughs)

Diego: "No shit, lets get the girls."

We all run outside to see the girls doing rolly polys in the grass, like 3 year old children, I fall to my knees laughing at them.

Marco's POV:

They are acting like children, what the fuck is wrong with them? Are they on something? I turn to Mateo,

"You're the doctor, what is wrong with them?"

Mateo: "DUDE, cant you tell their high?"

Antonio (dad): "WHAT!?"

Those little shits! I say. I start to walk towards the girls and Arlo, but Mateo pulls me back. "Get the fuck off me!" I snarl.

Mateo: "Look at them, I know what they've done is wrong, but this is the first time I've heard them laughing since they got there."

I look at my sisters and Arlo, seeing them so relaxed and having fun, I hope this is the start of them trusting us, even if it's just Arlo, I still cant help but feel jealous.

I turn to Diego and Rio and tell them to; "Go deal with the business at the warehouse" they leave, I ask Mateo to stay just incase anything happens to them, and I cant make Papá leave even if I wanted to, as hes already sat down watching his 3 youngest have fun with a huge smile plastered across his face, me and Mateo head over and sit next to him.

Mateo's POV:

We watched the girls and Arlo mess around until dinner was ready, calling them in for dinner we sat at our usual seats. Rio and Diego got back from the warehouse an hour ago and came and filled us in on what happened down there.

We was all sat eating quietly when Marco starts a conversation with girls, asking them about their university degrees they have, I am shocked to hear that at 16 the girls skipped a few grades and they have both got a university degree's in business and interior design.

Marco : "What made you both pick them studies."

Daniela: "Mother was awful, we realised early on we needed to have our own source of income if we was every going to escape her."

Lucía: "Yes, we both now have a few businesses one being Luxe Threads, that is De's brand."

Everyone gasps as we all love there mechandise.

Daniela: "Don't forget you own Luxe Haven, and we have our night club and hotel called Luxe back in Chicago"

Diego: "Wait, let me get this right, you 2 are 16 and run 4 very successful businesses"

De&Lu: "Yes" (*smiling proudly)

Antonio: "That's amazing, I'm super you of both."

Lucía: "We are looking to branch out and open a few hotels & night clubs in Spain, know of any good spots?"

Daniela : (*starting to sober up now) "we've got our friends arriving in a few days for that."

Diego: "Wait, I can help you, I run Infierno Ive been trying to reach out with Luxe nightclub for awhile about a business opportunity as id heard about how popular they had become. I didnt know it was you 2 though, I would love it if we could join forces on this."

Lucia : "Daniela and I will have to discuss this with Luna as shes managing them until we turn 18."

Ive started to notice the girls and been apprehensive about there answers now the effects of the cannabis must be wearing off, its been good to hear everything they have accomplished but they shouldnt of had to do any of that if it wasnt for our Mother kidnapping them when they were 3years old. If they had lived with us they wouldnt have had to grow up so early and would be carefree all the time.

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