Chapter 9

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Lucía's POV:

It's been 2 weeks since we moved to Spain with our bio family, they've been asking us questions about our childhood, but we haven't told them anything. Every time they start asking De just gives them a cold glare and that end of it. I think it's starting to piss Marco and Diego off, but that's not our problem.

Daniela's POV:

Breakfast today was crazy. I don't know who Marco thinks he is! He ain't my fucking dad (*thinks back to breakfast)

Antonio - "Girls after breakfast can you come to my office, we need to discuss some of the house rules and talk about you to starting high school".
(*my phone rings its Luna)

Marco: "Either don't answer or you put it on table on speaker, I'm sick of you sneaking around."

(* I scoff at Marco and answer the phone) -
De: "I'll call you back soon" (*click. calls disconnects) I go to put my phone back into my pocket when Marco suddenly starts screaming at me.

M: "Give me your phone now!"

De: "NO! Did you pay for it?"
Marco sits quiet.

I go to get up to leave but he grabs my arm, I turn into him, swinging my fist towards his face. He ducks and I miss.
Screaming in my face.


De: "NO! Now get the fuck off me before I break your nose"

Antonio bellows.
"THATS ENOUGHT! Marco let her go now, Daniela get to your room I'll deal with you later".

I leave the room, Lu is close behind me heading up to are room, I lock the door and walk out onto the balcony, I need a smoke.

Antonio's POV: (after the argument)

A: "What the hell was that?"

Marco: "You know the rules, Papá."

A: "Yes, I do but the girls don't! Why hell would you grab her arm like that?"

Marco: "You saw how she spoke to me, what the hell was I meant to do? Just let her walk away?"

(Mateo buts in)

Mateo: "Yes! They clearly don't trust us yet and you've just made it worse by doing that! Do none of you see the fact that they flinch when someone shouts? or even notice the fact I have to whisper eat to them every time there's food on their plates."

Everyone snaps their heads towards Mateo.

"What" I ask

Mateo: "Everything I've noticed about them indicates to signs of abuse, then Marco goes and grab's her arm like that! What if they were Physically abused too? Now both of them are going to think we're the same."

Marco: "I didn't notice."

"Neither did I" I say quietly.

With how head strong Daniela is, and the way she took down that prick in the mall, I didn't even think about it, I can't ask them about it now or they will close up even more. (*sigh) (i think to myself)

I still need to talk to them so me and Marco head up to their room. I knock on the door and Lucía answers
"Are you girls ready to head up to my office?" she just nods her head, turns round and calls her sister from the balcony.
We walk into my office, and I can Lucía smile at the interior decor. "Do you like it?" I ask with a smile on my face, she replies

"Yeah, it's beautiful"

"Ok girls, let's get straight to the point, shall we?"

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"Ok girls, let's get straight to the point, shall we?"

"You'll be joining school, is that ok?."

Daniela: "Can't we just go to Uni with Arlo and Rio?"

"Thats not how it works over here. In Spain you have to do another 2 years of studing if you wish to go to University"

Daniela: "We've already done that."

"What do you mean?" i ask.

Lucía: "We've already completed high school and college, I have a degree in interior design, and Daniela has one in business studies. We skipped a few years of high school."

(Thinking to myself - wow that is amazing, my girls are so intelligent. It seems as though Lucía is opening up a litte.)
"Thats amazing to hear, maybe you two can rub off onto your brothers, (*laughs) I'll see what i can do about getting you 2 in to uni, you'll most likely have to test or something though, that ok with you both?" they nod their heads.

Right so now the rules. If you have anything to say, can you please wait until I've finished, ok?" They both nod again.

Rule 1: "You must respect myself and your brother's, we don't want a repeat of this morning" I noticed Daniela rolled her eyes at this.

Rule 2: "No phone calls at the table, if you answer it then it goes on speaker."

Rule 3: "Before you leave the house you must tell at least 1 person where you're going."

Rule 4: "10 is your curfew, if you're going to be late message one of us and let us know."

Rule 5: "No boyfriends or girlfriends until you're at least 18."

Rule 6: "Keep up the good grades, and NO getting into fights."

I look up to the girls and ask if they have anything to say, Lucía turns to Daniela, and I can already tell what's coming. Daniela starts speaking.

"Ok rule 1: Respect is earned not forced" she says while glaring at Marco.

"Rule 2: that's a no from me, it's my personal business when someone calls me, not anyone else's."

"Rule 3: We will tell at least one person that we're going out, but not where to, I doubt any of the boys stick to that rule."

"Rule 4 and 5: we don't have a problem with."

"Rule 6: We've always had good grades so that's not a problem, and I don't start the fights I finish them, it's not my fault that they think we're weak."

"Is that all?" she asks.

"Yes, oh tomorrow we will be telling the rest of the familia that you're back home, so expect to meet them soon, you can go now."

The girls leave the room and Marco turns and looks at me and says,

"This is going to be fun."

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