Chapter 4

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Antonio's POV: (dad)

We finally land in Chicago, and head straight to the police station, I walk in and ask for officer Eddie, he then takes us to a different room, so he can see all the identification shit to prove who I am, I sign all the necessary paperwork. Then he tells me a bit about my daughters apparently they are very well known to these officers that makes me chuckle a little bit their definitely Garcia's, he hands me their police and school records, but I'll check them out later, then we finally walk to the other room where I hope my daughters are so I can finally see them, the whole time Mateo is quiet.

The officer knocks on the door and slowly walks in the first thing I realise is Daniela is stood in front of her sister as a way of protecting her. Protecting her from who though? Us?

I look towards them and all I see is Daniela staring at me (*damn she's scary) She's got the same glare as Marco, I then look over to Lucía she looks like she's scared, then the next minute she's staring at me almost as if she's figuring out that she looks a lot like me.

I decide to introduce ourselves, "Hi girls Im Antonio your Papá and this is Mateo hes your 3rd oldest brother." Lucía speaks back but Daniela just nods her head.

We head out and in the car ride to their house they both remain quiet once we park up outside Daniela finally speaks but only to tell us to wait outside. I nod my head and I can see the look of relief on Lucías face that makes me concerned, what on earth happened in that house?.

After 10 minutes the girls walk out, they get back in the car and we head to the airport.

Mateos POV:

(back at the police station)

When we finally get into the room where the girls are, and I see Daniela standing Infront of Lucía I know my Papá will see it as her protecting her sister but to me it seems like there's more too it especially with the cold glare she's giving, when were about to leave I see Daniela knock her shoulder on the door and wince like shes in pain, I should ask about that later.


Lucia POV:

(inside the house)

I turn to De "good idea not letting them come in, it wouldnt have been good if they saw where we had been sleeping."

We quickly grab our bags shoving the little amount of clothes in, i see Daniela go to her hiding stash inside the wall, where she grabs her gun and her favourite knife, she put her knife and her holder around her left ankle and her gun in her waist band of her jeans.

We go back to the car. During the car ride am thinking I dont know if we should trust these men.

Danielas POV:

We arrive at a private airfield, I look over at Lu shocked to see a private jet, our father must be loaded.

We board the jet Lu sits closest to the window I sit next to her, she grabs my hand knowing how much I hate flying.

I see Mateo and our father sit in the seat across from us. Antonio seems to be preoccupied talking on his phone.

M: "Is your shoulder ok? You look like you're in pain he asks with a concerned look on his face."

Now everyones looking at me fucking great, even Antonio stopped talking on his phone. (*eye roll)

De: "It's fine I say with gritted teeth."

M: "It doesnt look fine to me."

Now I'm pissed off.

De: "And how would you know? Are you a doctor or something?"

M: "Yes."

De: "What?"

M: "I'm a doctor"

Well shit (*laughs*)

Lu: "Tingnan niya." my sister says to me (In Filipino- let him look)

De: "No" (I sigh)

Lu: "Bakit hindi?" (Why not)

De: "Ok" I tell her. I'm only doing this because she asked me, if it had been anyone else they wouldn't be a chance in hell i'd let another man touch me plus she will just keep whining at me.

I look up to see 2 very confused men I just say Filipino (shrugs shoulders) then i look at Mateo and tell him "I popped my shoulder out of place falling down the stairs, its fine I popped it back in, I just forgot to take some more pain killers."

M: "Can I check it, or we can wait till we land and go to the hospital."

I nod my head and remove my arm from my jacket showing him my shoulder.

M: "Ok, so it looks like you havent done it right."

I humm

M: "Im going to have to..." (* bends shoulder back re popping it correctly)

De: "What the fuck just happened?" I say while giving him a cold glare

M: "Sorry, I had to re pop your shoulder or it wouldnt have healed right, it shouldnt be as painful now."

D: (nodding) "Your right its not too bad now."

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