Chapter 21

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Lucias POV:

After we came upstairs, I let De shower first before asking if there was anything she left out, she said no which is good, we climb into bed and tell her, I think we should tell them about that place.

De shoots up, What? Why would we tell them about that?

Lu: I trust them De.

De: I dont!

Lu: I know you dont, but you didnt see how worried and scared they were when you were taken De. I honestly thought Papá would have been the one to worry the most but when I looked at Marco he was nearly in tears.

De: You just called him Papá.

Lu: Yeah I did because he is our Papá and they are our brothers, Mateo told me that when we were little I used to follow him around everywhere and you did the same with Marco, this is our chance De, a chance to have a family.

De: WE HAVE A FAMILY! she shouts. We've never argued before but I'm sick and tired of keeping everything hidden.

Lu: YES, I KNOW WE DO! And I love Luna, Mia and Eli I do, but I want this family too De! Id do anything for you, you know that Im asking for 1 fucking thing! After everything weve been through, we deserve to be happy! i shout.

With that I walk out of her room and go to my own, weve been sharing since we got here but right now, I need to be alone.

Danielas POV:

Lus never spoken to me like that before, it's always been me and her against the world. She trusts people too easily and every time its ended with us getting hurt and I dont want that happening again but shes also right, i saw how Marco acted when i got back, the man who hasnt shown a single emotion since we got back hugged me, maybe i should be the one to listen to Lucia this time, but first I need to figure out how they would react.

I head out of my room and head back downstairs. As soon as I walk in, they go quiet; Marco runs up to me again and pulls me into yet another hug but his time I hug him back, i feel him tense up but then relax after a few seconds.

Can we talk somewhere? i ask him

Marco: Sure, follow me.

We walk up to his office as soon as we sit down, I ask the question.

If me and Lucia were to tell you guys something about our past, how would you react?

Marco: No matter what you and Lucia had to do, it would never make us love you any less, do you understand?


Marco: Are you ok?

Yeah, I'm going to go back to bed, can we talk about this later over dinner? I didnt get any sleep last night; I dont think any of us did.

Marco: Sure.

After that I decide to go find Lu, she's just laid on her bed wide awake, I lay beside her and tell her I'm sorry and she's right we should tell them about that place now shes smiling, we decide to get a few hours' sleep first.

Marcos POV:

When Daniela came back into the kitchen, she looked upset. It's the first time I've seen expression, again without thinking I walked straight up to her and pulled her into a hug, she hugged me back now I know something is definitely wrong after the talk in my office i headed back down to my familia.

Antonio: Is everything ok?

I dont know Papá, but by the looks of it the girls might be telling us a bit about their past when theyve had some sleep.

Diego: Really?

Yeah, Daniela wanted to know how everyone would react if they were to tell us.

Mateo: Maybe it's about what happened in that house, weve been wanting answers since we found that out.

Rio: Found out what?

After explaining everything to the twins and making them swear to not mention anything to girls, we finally went back to do the work we needed to do, I'm dreading dinner time.


We had our dinner, then went and sat in the living room so the girls could tell us whatever they needed to.

I see Lucia turn to Daniela and say, "I dont know where to start.

Daniela: You said we were only telling them about that place nothing else.

That place what are they on about? I think to myself.

Daniela: When we were 7 that woman sent us to a camp, not some summer camp for kids.

What sort of camp was it i ask.

Lucia: A place that wanted to turn us into weapons basically.

Antonio: What do you mean?

I can see both of them getting uncomfortable, what hell happened at this camp

Daniela: We were trained to kill people.

Diego: WHAT! That women sent you to a place like that? Why?

Lucia: Because she was a bitch, before we got sent away, it was horrible, but that place was even worse. she says while crying, Daniela pulls her into a hug to calm her down, she decides to start talking.

Daniela: We were abused there.

Lucia: We have scars pretty much all over our bodies.

Mateo: Can we see? Maybe you could just show us the ones on your back, i just want to make sure they are all healed correctly.

Daniela shakes her but Lucia stands up and starts taking her jumper off, i hear Daniela ask her if shes sure about this to which Lucia just nods her head, all eyes on her as she turns round to show us the scars on her back.

Oh, my fucking god.

Antonio: Oh, my Bebés I hear my Papa cry. (babies)

Arlo: did they... he stutters out.

Daniela: Whips, belts, knifes anything they wanted to use really, most of them were done when we were kidnapped and tortured for answers about the camp.

Diego: What do you mean kidnapped.

Lucia: They would plan a fake kidnapping every month, the kidnappers would torture us for information if you didnt say anything you would go back but if you told them then youd die, they needed to make sure we wouldnt speak if we were kidnapped while out on a mission.

Rio: What the actual fuck.

Daniela: When we started there was 20 kids by the time our training was up there was only 5 of us left, me and Lucia obviously and our friends Luna, Mia and Eli. Even though we completed the training it didnt stop the abuse.

Antonio: How long?

Daniela: How long were we there? Papa nods his head.

Lucia: 4 years, then that bitch and her boyfriend came to get us, our friends escaped that night too and weve been close like a family since, Luna manages our businesses and Mia and Eli work at my company.

Antonio: "Can you tell us anything else, like what happened after the 4 years when you went back to that house?"

Lucia: "Both that bitch and Jake carried on the abuse when we got back, the only reason we were brought home is because of the officer you met back in Chicago he started asking Blanca questions so she came to get us."

Antonio: "Did that Jake do... touch either of you...inappropriately?"

I see both of them tense up and look to the floor. Did that bastard r*pe my sisters?

Lucia nods her head and says "both Jake and his friends" while Daniela just carries on looking down.

Rio: "Is that why you remanded so calm while you were kidnapped? and how you managed to escape so quickly.

De: "Yeah, but them 2 were also idiots they didn't even do the ropes properly." she laughs.

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