Chapter 7

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Daniela's POV:

It's now 10:50 and we're sat in living room waiting for the boys, Marco is also sat in the room with us, he's been staring at me since I called him a wanker from what Lu's said it's clear that they understand Italian, we won't be speaking that language again.

We hear the twins running downstairs I grab Lu's arm to quickly walk out of the room, with Marco staring it becoming uncomfortable, before we manage to escape out the door Marco pulls the twins to side and starts speaking to them in Spanish clearly thinking we don't understand.

(Bold words are Spanish)
Marco: "You need to find out what languages they speak."

Rio: "We can try but they don't speak much" "How do you know they can't understand us now?"

They turn to look at us, we keep a puzzled look on our faces, we can understand them, but they don't need to know that yet.

M: "Looking at theirs faces its clear they don't understand
Keep an eye out for any trouble."

R: "Got it."

Rio looks at us and says, "let's go".

We head towards the garage following the other twins, we walk in and see over 20 different cars it's like my dream coming true (*laughs)

The twins walk over to 2 very beautiful cars, Rio asks me to choose which car we want to go in, I smile and walk over to The Dodge Charger, Rio has a massive smile on his face, i guess that's his car.

The twins walk over to 2 very beautiful cars, Rio asks me to choose which car we want to go in, I smile and walk over to The Dodge Charger, Rio has a massive smile on his face, i guess that's his car

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Me and Lu jump in the back, while Rio jumps in driver's seat proving it's his car. I'd kill to drive this car, then Arlo starts asking us some questions.

A: "Where did you guys grow up."

D: "Chicago."

A: "Did you finish school?"

D: "Yes."

A: "Did you learn Italian in school?"

D: "No."

A: "Can you be any more blunt?"

D: "Yes."

A: "Fine" he sighs "What other languages can you guys speak he asks while looking at Lu, she just turns to head to look out of the window. (*laughs)

D: "She doesn't speak much."

A: "I can see that, why?"

D: "No reason, and to answer your question we also speak Filipino, Dutch and English obviously."

A: "Why Filipino?"

D: "We were bored, any more questions?"

A: "Nope we're here now."

We get out of the car and start walking towards to door of Portal de la Marina Shopping Center, I know this place well as it's got my store luxe threads here it's one of my most popular places other than New York where my main branch is. The twins start leading us toward luxe threads.

Rio: "We will go into luxe first I need new shirts I ruined my favourite one."

D: "ok, let's get this over and done with" I look towards Lu giving her a look we will run soon. (*Lu nods)

After grabbing a few items of our own from luxe just enough to see us through for the next few week Lu spots that the boys are too busy bickering so this is the perfect opportunity to ditch them and make our break for it so while the twins are bickering over which shirt is better me and Lu make a quick exit leaving and heading up towards Victoria secrets, they won't look us in here.

May Aswell while we're in here grab some new night wear and lingerie. With our hands full with shopping bags, we've hit a few more stores keeping ourselves hidden from the twins we decide it's time to go get some food, so we head towards the elevators to go up towards the food courts.
I turn to Lu who's been very quiet all day, "are you ok your quiet"

Lu: "Yeah am just hungry now, fancy a McDonalds."

De: "Yes! I haven't had a big mac in a long time."

Lu: "Yeah I think am going to try something new, (*looks at menu) hmm, McWrap chicken crujiente & bacon sounds good"

I place the order, seconds after later, I hear Lu scream, I quickly turn around to see her throwing a punch at some big fella. I jump straight into action I run straight behind the 6'7 motherfucker, I jump onto his back wrapping my arm around his neck and putting him into a chock hold, I put my left leg between his legs to make him drop to his knees, while stood behind him keeping my hold around his throat I squeeze harder until he's struggling, I see he's about to pass out but I want his motherfucker wake while I hit him, I loosen my hold enough for him to catch a breather before I move around to his front and kick him full force in the chest knocking him down.

Rio's POV:

We lost the girls around 2 hours ago, Papá is going to kill us (*sigh), walking round aimlessly we hear some commotion near the food court, decide to head that way to see what it's all about, we see a huge crowd about two people fighting we can see one is a female we can't see her face because her back is too us, but fuck me I wouldn't want to mess with her, we watch this tiny girl bring the 6'7 man to his knee's while still holding her arms around his neck, I hear Arlo whisper "maybe we should Marco to recruit her, She's good" I look past the fight to see Lucía standing back watching but I don't see Daniela, "Where is she?" I shout across, I look back at the fight to see the girl kick the guy in the chest and start throwing fist towards the guy's face, that's when we realise its Daniela (*shocked face) me and Arlo look at each other then run straight towards our sister to pull her off the man.

Daniela's POV:

After I jump on top of him and start throwing punch after punch at this fuckers face I hear a crack (*Hehe his nose is broken) next thing I know there's someone pulling at my waist, I shout "GET THE FUCK OFF ME OR YOUR NEXT" I turn and realise its Rio, "FUCK" he's going to have questions now!.
I walk towards Lu and Arlo and ask her,

De: "Why did you scream?"

Arlo: "What? You don't even know why you were kicking his arse for?"

De: "NO, I heard Lu scream and hit him that's all I needed to see!"

Rio: "We need to leave NOW!" "We can talk about this in the car."

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