Chapter 14

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Lucias POV:

Once were done with the introductions, me and do De decide to go have a smoke to try and calm our nerves, while we were having a smoke Rio, Arlo and Vasco come to find us.

Rio: What the hell are you doing, you cant do that here.

Vasco interrupts and asks De, Havent I seen you before?

De: (while smirking says) Yep, 4 months ago at a street race in Chicago, you came in 2nd while I came in 1st.

Vasco: Wait that was you? with a shocked look on his face.

De says Yep in a cocky voice.

Rio & Arlo whisper shout: You Street Race! De just nods her head in response.

Rio: So you 2 have met before?

Vasco: Yeah!

Rio: And you didnt tell anyone?

Vasco: I didnt know it was her

Rio: She looks exactly like Marco; how could you not have noticed?

De: Maybe because he was angry about coming in 2nd place. she says while laughing. Vasco just stares at her in shock.

Vasco: You cant tell my dad; he doesn't know the real reason I went to Chicago.

As long as you dont tell Antonio about it either, same goes for you 2 as well. I speak. Everyone nods their head in agreement to keeping this a secret.

Vasco: Theres another race coming up soon, maybe you girls can come?

R&A: No!

Why not? I ask, before they reply I turn and say, Either we go with you, or we can just sneak out again.

Rio: Is that where you 2 went last night? To try find a street race?

I look at De and she gives me a small nod; we cant tell them where we were so this is the next best option is to lie again.


Arlo: You told Papá that you were in the woods next to the house

De: Well we couldn't exactly tell him the truth now, could we?

Rio: Fine, you can go with us! Now give me that before someone else comes round here! he takes the joint out of Des hand.

We all walk back round to where everyone is sat and look round for Leo to spend some time with me.

Antonios POV:

Leaving the kids to mingle I ask my brothers to come with me to my office, I need to tell that what I think Ive found and how I came across the girls.

Antonio: So as you all already know I found the girls in Chicago, what you dont know is it was the police that called me.

Matias: Why would the police be calling you?

Antonio: Give me chance to explain will you, as I was saying the police called me after doing a DNA test, we were only told about the girls, I didnt know what had happened to their mother, I later found out it was Daniela that had killed her.

Miguel: Wait, Daniela killed her, why would she do that?

Antonio: Will you stop interrupting me I was getting to that bit, I suspect Blanca (mother) had been mistreating the girls, thats why I need you Santiago to go back to the house in Chicago and have a look around, see what you can find, most importantly the basement.

Santiago: why the basement?

Antonio: I have my suspicions. Just let me know what you find ok.

Santiago: Got it, how soon do you want me to leave?

Antonio: Well now if possible but Id like it to be kept a secret for now. You can leave Rosa and the boys here till your back. We will think of an excuse later.

Santiago: Got it, have you got the jet ready to leave, Ill have to tell Rosa where Im going but dont worry, she wont tell anyone.

Pedro: Am still trying to process that Daniela killed Blanca. Like, do you know how she did it? (*laughs)

Antonio: I have the police report here, it says she was stabbed in the chest once and shot in the head twice, along-side her boyfriend Jake, I looked into him he had one hell of a rap sheet, convicted twice for rape and once for child abuse.

Miguel: That wasnt a mercy killing that. It was a revenge killing, what on earth did she do to them girls?

Antonio: I dont know what she did but thats why I need Santiago to go check it out see what he can find out

Heading back to the familia, Santiago head towards hes wife to tell her hes leaving for Chicago and shes staying here until hes back.

Everyone is getting along well, and I think the familia is finally going to be compete again now that my princesses are back home where they belong.


After a couple more hours Daniela and Lucia head up to bed, theyve got a long day tomorrow.

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