Chapter 3

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Back in Chicago:

Danielas POV:

We have a family! That bitch kidnapped us from our father and brothers what the actual fuck! I turn to Lu to see she's too far in her head, she's thinking the same as me, are we going to be safe? Can we trust them? What if they are like them?

I walk over to her and pull her into a hug, she flinches at first till she realises it's me and then relaxes after a few seconds and I squeeze her tighter. I hate what my mother and Jake did to her.

De: "Hey you ok?"

Lu: "What should we do?"

De: "I don't know I sigh."

Lu: "We cant run can we?"

De: "Not anymore no."

I get her laid down so she will sleep, this is the way we've always done it, Lucía will sleep now while I watch over her and I will sleep later, and she will watch over me that way we don't have any surprise attacks.

I ring my friends again and tell them everything that's happened, they said their moving too so if anything happens we will have a place to go. We've got branches in Spain, so we will just have to move the main base to that one instead. After 4 hours Lucía starts to wake up, now it's my turn to sleep.

Lucía's POV:

De always tells me to wake her up after 4 hours, but I know she needs the sleep more. For the past two nights shes stayed up all night and let me sleep so now I'm going to do the same for her, after 5 and half hours I have to wake her up

Lu: "De you need to wake up."

De: "hmm, whats wrong?"

Lu: "The door Daniela jumps straight up and stands in front of me like shes always done."

Officer: "Hi girls it's me, am I ok to come in?"

De: "Yeah."

Officer Eddie walks in with 2 very tall men walking behind him, I look at the first man and he looks a lot like me or should I say I look like him.

I look at De and shes just staring at them with a cold expression on her face, I can already see how this is going to go, I look at the older man I guess is are father looks kind of scary but I cant let them see that I'm scared, like Daniela always says Never show your fear, Never show a weakness I look again and the younger one looks kind of friendly and easy to approach. One of them starts talking his voice sounds so powerful, his aura is strong he reminds me of Daniela, but then you look at his face and see him smiling like a big kid.

A: "Hi girls, I'm Antonio your Papá and this is Mateo, hes your 3rd oldest brother."

Lu: "Hi I say, Daniela just nods her head."

A: "You ready to go?"

Lu: "Yeah."

A: "Ok let's go get your things from your house, then we can go home."

Lu: "ok."

We say our goodbye's to officer Eddie, and walk out of the station we get into the black SUV, and drive to the house to get our things, De finally speaks up and tells them to wait in the car, I'm glad she did because I dont want them to see that we have to go get our things out of the basement.

We take one last look at the hell hole of a life weve lived in, not knowing if were walking into another.

We walk back to the car and we quickly set back off to the airport.

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