Chapter 12

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Unknown POV:

My friend ace has a fight tonight at the club and is insisting I go to watch, apparently he's fighting some dude who has travelled across the country to try take his title. I do wonder if I will bump into Rio and Arlo, they are usually there on a Saturday night.

Pulling up in my sleek black Mercedes I get out and head to the back door to greet Ace.

Unknown: "Feeling nervous, bro?" (slaps his shoulder)

Ace: "Not a chance bro. This dude is only 5ft5, this fight will be over in minutes."

Unknown: "Good, then we can go out and hit the night clubs like normal guys."

I hear the announcer begin to introduce Aces competition, so I head out to watch.


Ace is going to be fuming, he has to win this for sure, girls are nothing but weak little princesses who are only good for a fuck.

I watch as the fight goes on, Ace has barely had one hit on this Raven girl and she now has him in the arm-bar, he has to get out of it.


Knowing to well he cant hear me over the crowd. Not even 30 seconds later the coward has tapped out. I make my way to the back where I see Ace, punching him in the shoulder You fucking idiot you lost to a girl.

Ace: "Ouch, (*rubs already injured shoulder) I couldn't get out of the hold she nearly snapped my shoulder, how does such a little girl have so much strength."

Unknown: "Quick let's try follow her."

We make a dash for the alleyway, just in time to see a black Yamaha R1 with 2 people riding it, it must be her. FUCK! We missed her.

And just like that she was gone....

Antonio's POV:

After we noticed Daniela and Lucía werent in their room we ran to the security room to check the cameras. We couldnt see anyone coming in or out, Where the fuck are they. Turning to Mateo I tell him Hack the street cameras now

Mateo: "Papá, that will take forever."

Antonio: "I said do it, so you do it NOW!"

Mateo: "Ok Papá, on it now" (grabs his laptop and processed to get to work)

Antonio: (looking at Arlo) "Did the girls mention to you earlier about any plans they had later today? Do you know where they might be?"

Arlo: "No Papá, they never told me anything. What do you think has happened? They haven't been kidnapped again, right? we've only just got them back."

Antonio: "No son, we will find them."

Grabbing my phone I begin to dial my brother Matiass number. After 2 rings he picks up.

Panicking I tell my brother how I just found them and lost them again, ranting how I can't go through this again and I need to find them.

Matias: "Whoaa, chill, who have you found and lost?"

Antonio: "Hijas mías" (my daughters)

Matias: "Qué, you found them, where are they?" (what)

Antonio: "I don't know!"

Matias: "Well where did you last see them?"

Antonio: "They were in their room they must have snuck out."

Matais: "I'm sure they will come back soon if they aren't back in 3 hours get a team out searching for them."

Antonio: "Thanks bro, I'm going now, I'll see you soon, sí?" (yes)

Matias: "Of course you will, were coming tomorrow now with the rest of our familia, bye" (*phone disconnects)

Antonio: "Mateo keep checking the cameras and the street cams let me know if you see anything, I'll be in my office."

I head to my office for a much-needed scotch, these girls are going to be the death of me, I can just tell I have my hands full now.

I've been sat in my office for nearly 2 hours and the girls still haven't arrived home. Suddenly Mateo come barging into my office shouting,

"We got them on camera running past the water fountain, you coming?"

I jump to my feet nearly knocking over my chair in the process and race to the front door, my sons close behind me. Opening the door so fast it nearly breaks the hinges, seeing 2 very stunned chicas. (girls) I start shouting "AND WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU 2 BEEN!" I quickly pull them into a hug and release the breath id been holding.

NOW GET TO BED! I'll deal with you 2 in the morning, Te amo

(I love you)

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