Chapter 27

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Lucia's POV:

It's been 6 hours since Mateo pulled her out of her coma, there's no signs of her waking up yet. All I can do is sit and wait; I've had hold of her hand this entire time, waiting for her just to squeeze it, I asked everyone else to leave so I could talk to her. After another 2 hours I lay head on her hand. Then I hear a very raspy voice asking "D..did you g..get the"

I shout my head up to see it's De talking I just start shouting, "YOUR AWAKE, OH MY GOD YOU'RE ALIVE!"

Daniela's POV:

I've been in this stupid coma for what feels like forever. I've heard my family's and my friend's pleas to fight this, I wish I could tell them that I am fighting, I'm trying to wake up. I've heard my sister blaming herself for it all. As well as my Abuelo crying and Marco giving me a bloody nickname.

Todays the day I'm going to wake up whether they help me or not I need to get out of this nightmare I'm trapped in the past and all the abuse feels like it's happening to me all over again. I NEED TO WAKE UP.

Today I can hear my family arguing Mateo wants to pull me out, but Marco doesn't think I'm ready. I'm screaming "I'M READY! I'M READY!" but I know they can't hear me. I can tell my brothers are worried and I'm sure I heard Rio mention Enzo's name, maybe I did die, and this is my own hell. (laughs) I think I hear Mateo whisper in my ear "It's up to you now Daniela, please wake up."

After a few more hours I hear Lucia kick the rest of family out, I know I need to pull myself out of this now I can't hear my sister crying and blaming herself anymore. I slowly start opening my eyes blinking constantly trying to adjust to the light, as I'm looking around the room I see the machine's attached to me, I move my eyes more and find Lucia with her head on my hand I decide to ask her, "D..did you g..get the" but my voice came raspy and shaky, her head shoots up looking straight at me with a huge smile on her face she screams, "YOUR AWAKE, OH MY GOD YOU'RE ALIVE!" and pulls me in a hug, god I've missed her!

The door bursts open and my family are all running over to me, all of them are crying including Marco! Their all talking at once so I can't really understand what they're saying. (laughs) It normally takes me a lot longer than Lu to start trusting people, but I've listened to their cries and how they've been treating Lucia especially Mateo and our Abuelo, they even let our friends visit. I think I can fully trust and love them I know I still have a few secrets and I'm going to tell them one now.

I look at Antonio with a smile and say in a raspy voice,

"Papá.. Agua, por favor." (Dad, water please.) Everyone looks at me, but Antonio gets me some water.

"¿Sabes español?" he asks. (You know Spanish?) he looks towards Lu, and she nods her head.

"Sí, papá." I say. (yes dad)

¿Todo el tiempo que has estado en casa? He asks. (The entire time you've been home?) We nod our heads.

Lu: "At first, we didn't tell you because we didn't trust you, then you told us about the Mafia then you mainly spoke in English around us, so we just didn't say anything." he gives us a smile and nods his head.

Mateo: "Alright enough of that for now I need to check her over." he comes over to me "How are you feeling Daniela?"


Mateo: "What?"

"Just call me De, I let people I can trust call me De."

Mateo: "How are you feeling De." he asks again me a huge smile on his face.

"I'm ok, just tired."

Arlo: "How are you tired? You've slept for over a week now."

Before I could even reply Lu punches him in the arm and calls him an "idiota." everyone bursts out laughing.

Mateo: "Its normal for her to be tired. Get some rest ok?"

"Ok Hermano." I smile (brother)

I look round to see Marco. "¿Estás bien hermano?" (you ok brother?)

He nods his head and says, "I'm fine Daniela, get some rest."

"What happened to El?"

Marco: "You heard that?"

"Yeah, I heard everything."

Marco: "Are you ok with me calling you El?"

"Yeah, I'm ok with it." I say with a smile.

Marco: "Ok well get some rest El." he walks out of the room with a huge smile on his face, everyone following behind him, leaving me and Lu alone again I turn to her and ask,

"So, the dog? Did you get him?"

Lu: "Yeah, Mia brought him over after we went back home, Papá agreed we could keep him, do you want to see a picture?"

"Yeah." she gets out her phone and shows me his picture.

" she gets out her phone and shows me his picture

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"He's beautiful, what did you name him?

Lu: "I was waiting for you to wake up so you could choose his name."

"Hmmm, how about Ammo, after all i did get shot for him." (laughs)

Lu: "I like it."

Mateo has said I need to stay in for observation for a few days before I can go home I hate hospitals and I can't wait to get home. I did try argue with him on it but he was having non of it.

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