Chapter 17

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Lucías POV:

It's been a week since they told us about the Mafia, I can see they trust us, I'm want to trust them too. Anyway, todays our 1st day at Uni were going with the twins seen as we arent allowed to drive ourselves, it's a load of bull shit I can probably drive better than they can. We get ready have breakfast and head out of the door, me and De go get our class schedule seen as we couldnt get it last week thanks to De. (sigh) De also thought it would be a funny idea to tell the receptionist that shell be seeing a lot of her! This girl honestly.

Arlo's POV:

After leaving the girls, we decided to go meet our friends they knew about our sisters being taken but they dont know that they're now back home, as were stood talking to Enzo, Nic and Sam near our lockers, I notice Enzos mind is somewhere else, he randomly turns round and says,

Id tap that. nothings new with this manwhore honestly. (*sigh)

I hear the footsteps getting closer and coming to a stop right behind us.

Enzo: (cockily) Fancy a three-way girls.

We all turn round to see who hes speaking to only to realise it's our sisters and before any of us have a chance react, we see Des fist hitting him square in the nose and then just walks off like the queen she is (laughs) while I'm too busy laughing I hear Rio snarl at him telling Their our sisters arsehole.

Enzo: Sisters? You havent got any sisters... oh shit you mean them sisters" he asks shocked and still trying to sort out his nose.

A: Yeah, theyve been home nearly a month now.

Sam: Which ones, the 2 smoking hot twin girls, one of which did that. he laughs while pointing at Enzo.

Rio: That was Daniela, shes the bat shit crazy one.

Nic: We see that. he says while laughing.

Arlo: Both of them are off limits, do you hear me? (I snarl) Theyre only 16 they got in due to having attended college and getting degrees back in Chicago, their very smart. I say proudly.

S&N: 16! They shout. I just nod my head in response.

Danielas POV:

Weve been here not even 20 minutes and I've already ended punching someone, I really can't blamed right? what he said was disgusting! I turn to Lu,

D: Can you believe the fucking nerve of that guy? I say angrily

Lu: Did you have to punch him?

I see the look on her face she's actually serious.

D: You heard what he said Lu.

Lu: Yeah, I did but you could have just said something instead of smacking him. Anyway, were going to be late for class come on.

We carry on walking to class; I know were doing some of the same course as our brothers and maybe even their friends. We are doing Marketing and Finance; I know we already have our own businesses and already have hotels, but we thought it would be good to get another degree which relates to them, we go sit down in the back corner and wait for class to start not even 2 minutes later they walk in and decide to come sit near us.

Arlo: Hey you 2 he says.

Hi we both reply, I look up to see the idiot I punched in face is there as well, hes just glaring at me.

(is he trying to do a death glare or something?)


(well, he clearly needs to work on it, he just looks like he needs to go for a shit) (*laughs)

I snap out of my thoughts to Lu tapping me on the leg I must have been staring too long.

De: So who are your friends?

Sam: Im Sam, nice to meet you and this is Nic.

De: I'm Daniela and this is Lucia.

I look up to the other guy, but he doesnt answer so I turn to Rio.

Rio: Hes Enzo. he says while glaring at him.

De: Enzo... So, Lorenzo then?

Enzo: It's just Enzo. he says angrily.

De: Lorenzo it is then. I say with a smug smile on my face.

Just as hes about to reply I spot a familiar face walk in.

De: Are you kidding me?

Lu: What's up?

De: Im in class with not 1 but 2 idiots I punched in the fucking face!

They all look to see who I'm on about, shes still walking this way to get to Rio she hasn't seen me yet as Arlo's in front of me and this bitch is tall. (*sigh)

Girl: Hi Rio she says in her annoying baby voice.

De: Hi Felicia, hows the free nose job? I say with a big smile on my face i can hear my brothers and his friends laughing.

Girl: That's not my fucking name, wait what...what are you doing here?

De: We go here now, so I'm going to give you this warning once so listen carefully yeah, stay the fuck away from my brother or next time it will be more than a free nose job understand?

Girl: You wouldnt.

De: Do you want to test that, Felicia?

Girl: Its Bethany!

De: Yeah I don't care, now turn round and walk away.

Bethany: (walks away) You better watch your back.

De: (standing up over her desk) Are you really trying to threaten me?

Bethany ignores me and goes and sits at the front of the class. I really hate this girl.

Lu: You need to calm down, shall we leave and go for a smoke on the footy field to watch all the hotties?

Enzo: Where are you going?

De: Wouldnt you like to know

Arlo and Rio go to get up to follow us. We don't need a bloody babysitter and its now starting to really piss me off.

De: Dont bother following us!

As I walk past Felicia's desk I slam my hands on it just to shit her up a bit, I needed a laugh.

Weve been sat here on the bleaches for a few hours now I really cant be arsed going to any classes today, we shouldnt even come here but Antonio wanted us to. This place is just full of idiots minus our brothers. Anyway, its nearly lunch now and I'm starving after looking at all that eye candy.

At lunch I decide to text Eli see if there any fights on this week. We have the race on Friday night with Vasco and the twins although I highly doubt, they will let me actually race (*sigh) Lu is sat playing on her phone when we hear a commotion behind us. Turning round to see its only that skank begging our brother to her a chance. After a few mins Ive decided Id heard enough and I go over hey Felicia, havent I already warned you today

Bethany: bitch please what are you going to do

Before I even have chance to reply Lu has already punched her in the jaw I hear the deathly crack indicating Lu has broking her jaw (*ouch)

Rio quickly runs over to Lu checking on her hand why the fuck did you do that you could of hurt yourself he whisper shouted at her.

Lu: Im getting so fed up with her she needs to be put down!

De: I agree now lets go home, Rio you driving us or not?

Rio: Yes, quick hopefully we get home before the Dean calls papa and you 2 get into even more bother than your already in (*shakes head while laughing)

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