Chapter 19

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Marcos POV:

After we found the girls in the gym, we left Arlo and Rio to try and figure out who hacked they cameras.

Knowing the girls were safe was such a relief. especially after we found out what they had gone through when Uncle Santi came back from Chicago things have been rather glum around here. We cant tell the girls what we know I hope they come and talk to us soon about it all, but I dont think thats going to happen either they are both very strong to have gone through all that.

Flash back to when Santiago arrived in Antonios office, everyone is here but Arlo and Rio.

Santiago: Ant I dont think its a good idea for them all to be here, what I found wasnt good.

Marco: You aren't getting rid of us we are staying.

Antonio: They aren't going to leave so you may as well just get on with it.

Santiago : Fine, as you already know I checked upstairs hoping you was wrong and it was completely empty, so I went to the basement where I found a scruffy old mattress covered in blood , the bloods DNA matched the girls as well as the blood on the floor, there was 2 sets of chains one above the mattress and the other just to the side attached to the celling, the basement looked worse than the torture Cells at the warehouse.

Diego: Are you saying you think they were tortured in that house.

Santiago: Yes and much more, I asked about and the neighbour's said men were coming and going from that house at all hours, there was also talk on the street that they owed a lot of people money for drugs so can only assume they were druggies and alcoholics.

Were all too shocked to talk.

Santiago: One of the neighbours mentioned they hadnt seen the girls for over 4years at one point they were concerned about their wellbeing but ware to afraid to do anything, at around 11/12 years old the girls started to make a daily appearance every time they were seen they were dirty and often looked sick and were seen to be very skinny for their ages. They said they never saw there girls outside of going to school and coming home.

Antonio: So my girls disappeared for 4years, and no one reported it and not to mention no one mentioned the clear abuse that was happening there.

Santiago: Im sorry ant, it seems the girls were abused mentally and physically they may need therapy when they do start to talk about it.

End of flashback

For a full week Papá has kept himself locked in his office only coming out for dinner in the evening, none of us know exactly what hes been up to, but we all believe it's got something to do with the girls.

Danielas POV:

It was weird in the gym tonight no one came and bothered us which I fully enjoyed as it meant I could let loose, were now heading for a shower and bed we have to be up tomorrow for Uni least I know I won't get into a fight tomorrow as skank will probably still be in the hospital after Lu broke her jaw that was truly bad ass of Lu, she has never been the type of girl to throw her fists about yes she knows how to fight and she's just as good at is am me but she's never enjoyed hurting people like I do.

Next morning.

After weve got up and ready for Uni we head down for breakfast and to see who will be dropping us off today. Walking into the kitchen I spot Marco sat at the table with a cup of coffee in front of him, morning Marco we both say together

Morning girls, sleep well I hope

De: We slept pretty well, who is going to be dropping us off today.

M: Diego said he will drop you of today, Arlo and Rio have some business at the warehouse, so they wont be going this morning, so please girls dont go getting into any fights ok.

De: No promises Marco, but we will definitely try not to punch anyone.

M: Diego will be down in 10 mins, get yourself some food while you wait.

I quickly make us both some tea and a coffee for the day before we head of to uni with Diego.

Lu: Will you be picking us up.

Diego: Yes text me when you need picking up and I will be here.

D&L: Bye.

Making our way to first class, I literally bump into Lorenzo (*sigh) stupid man blocking my way.

De: Move, you're blocking my way

Enzo places his hands on my waist and goes to move me to the side.

De: let go of me now!

Enzo: What you going to do about it short stuff.

De: My knee will find its way into your precious jewels if you dont let go of me.

He quickly let go of me, Putting his arms up in defence.

Enzo: Anyway Dani fancy letting me take you on a date, show you how a real man treats a girl he says while winking

Who does he think he is.

D: No not now not ever bye I begin to walk away with Lu right behind me. I shout back its Daniela to you.

We make our way to the back of the classroom and sit down not even 2 minutes later Lorenzo walk in with his arms wrapped around another girl.

What is he trying to do make me jealous? that isn't going to work.

Shouting for the whole room to hear hey Enzo did you pick up your clap treatment from the doctors.

The whole classroom erupts into laughs and the girl who he had his arm around looks physically repulsed. Lorenzo looks freaking pissed right now. He storms over to my desks and slamming his hands down whispers so that how you want to play, game on short stuff. (*winks) The rest of the day went by pretty boring. There were a few whispers going around about Lorenzo clap and Lu punching that girl, Felicia. But nothing eventful happens were currently waiting for Diego to arrive when Lorenzo pulls up at side off us get in

D: No

Lorenzo: Diego sent me now get in

D: Nope we will wait

Lorenzo: Fuck you then walk home for all I care

And off he speeds,

Lu: We should have just let him give us a lift home now weve got to either walk or call one of others to come pick us up

D: Ill ring Mateo now see if he will come collect us

L: fine while u do that am going to the toilet.

Lucia walks back outside and realises Des missing, she rings Marco and tells him Danielas gone. Her bag and all her belonging including her phone are dumped om the side of the road

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