Chapter 20

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Daniela's POV:

So, I've been kidnapped apparently, I say it like that because these men who look to be around 40 are bloody stupid, youd think they would know what they're doing. They have me 'tied' to a chair which I can easily get out of, but I have questions and they are the only ones with answers, so I'm playing along with it for now.

De: So are you planning on killing me or just keeping me tied up?

Man 1: Will you shut up already! You're driving me nuts

Oh, I forgot to mention that since they took me, I've been singing my little heart out (*laughs) they told me I'm bad at singing which is just RUDE I mean I have an amazing singing voice, anyway back to the point.

De: Ill shut up if you answer a couple of questions.

Man 1: No

Man 2: Deal

Man 1: Seriously?

Man 2: If it gets her to shut up then yes!

De: Your nice, I like you, can I call you uncle?

Man 2: No, now ask your bloody questions.

De: Rude! But whatever, 1st question why did you kidnap me?

Man 1: We were paid to.

De: By who?

Man 2: Bethany.

Well, that was surprisingly easy to get answers. Wait...

De: I dont know a Bethany, what did I do to her?

They looked at me as if I was stupid but Im being honest I dont know of any Bethany.

Man 1: You go to Uni with her, shes in your class.

De: Still have no idea who you're on about.

Man 2: Seriously? Shes just got out of the hospital because you broke her jaw!

De: Me? Ive not broken anyones jaw in years, I think youve got the wrong girl.

Man 1 turns to Man 2, Did we get the wrong girl? She looks like shes telling the truth, did we mess up?

Man 2: No, she showed us a picture of her remember. That's definitely her.

Turning back to me he shows me a picture on his phone of this Bethany chick, I mean they must be idiots, right? Theyve answered my questions giving me more information on this girl and now theyre showing me a picture of her... Wait...

De: Ohhh, I do know her that's Felicia.

Men 2: Felicia?

De: Yeah, well that's what I call her anyway, I believe she told me her name once, but I didn't exactly listen, her voice is rather annoying. (laughs)

Man 1: Her names Bethany.

De: Yeah I see that now, but still I didnt break her jaw, I broke her nose but that was a couple weeks ago now.

Man 1: So she doesnt have a broken jaw?

De: She does, it just wasnt me who did it. I say while shrugging and laughing.

Man 2: Youre crazy!

De: Aww thanks I say with a big smile on my face. By the way what time is it?

Man 1: Its 4am. I just nod my head in reply.

I decide to shut up now, I still need to wait another 4 hours until it opens. (sigh)

Meanwhile back at the Garcia residence.

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