Character Information

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"Someone who never gives to others will someday become unable to receive anything from them. Only wanting is, in the end, the same thing as having nothing...because one is unable to create anything. Such a pity to die alone."
- Yushiro Yamamoto

Yushiro is brash, hot-tempered, confrontational and aggressive. He si usually depicted with a scowl on his face and rarely seen smiling.

 He si usually depicted with a scowl on his face and rarely seen smiling

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Overall Abilities
Yushiro is a demon of mostly unknown strength. It is assumed that Yushiro is a competent fighter as well who can make use of Blood Demon Arts. Yushiro for the most part, however, is more of a support combatant, aiding others with his powers to allow them to discern invisible things or otherwise mask his allies' presence. Most impressively, Yushiro is strong enough to wrestle for command against Muzan over a demon, albeit with the help of the Demon Slayers to interrupt Muzan's concentration.

Medical Skills
Being Tamayo's aide, Yushiro is also an expert medic being familiar of her special techniques and drugs. After rescuing Zenitsu from falling to his death, he was able to prevent the damage inflicted by Kaigaku's blood demon art to spread further. He was also able to resuscitate a nearly dead Tanjiro to health, allowing the latter to be able to fight again.

As with all demons, Yushiro is armed with potent regeneration. He is able to heal from major wounds without complications, and even able to grow his entire head back after getting struck by one of Susamaru's powerful temaris.

 He is able to heal from major wounds without complications, and even able to grow his entire head back after getting struck by one of Susamaru's powerful temaris

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Body Modification
Through unknown surgical procedures, Yushiro's body has been adapted to live with minimal human blood consumption and no drive to hunt humans. Tamayo stated that Yushiro requires less blood than she doea to sustain himself.

Flesh manipulation
Like all demons, Yushiro possesses the ability to control and alter his flesh to a certain extend. Yushiro briefly uses this ability during his infiltration into the Demon Slayer forces to alter the appearance of his eyes to give himself a more human-like look, concealing the distinctive vertical slit in his iris.

Fighting Style

Skilled hand-to-hand combatant
Yushiro is shown to be a proficient martial artist. When Tanjiro asked about Tamayo's age, Yushiro, in his fury, began jabbing at his pressure points to punish him, causing him significant pain. Later on, he was seen throwing Tamayo onto the floor when he tried to get close to Tamayo, doing so in a similar way to judo. During the fight against Susamaru, Yushiro can be seen striking her with open palm strikes, eventually knocking down the demon.

Blood Demon Art
Blindfold ( Mekahushi )
Yushiro's blood demon art allows him to create paper talismans which possess the ability to mask or reveal something's presence. By placing these on certain objects of his choosing. He can get rid of their presence. Otherwise, by placing it on someone's forehead, he can enhance their vision by revealing the presence of masked objects. He can also render himself invisible using his blindfold. After his development he can create dozens of paper talismans at once and he can use them to completeky mask the presence but still see one other. His Blood Demon Art can allow two beings to use their vision in tandem to increase their efficiency in combat.

Mind ControlYushiro can also put someone with his Blindfold under hypnosis and take control if their minds and vision

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Mind Control
Yushiro can also put someone with his Blindfold under hypnosis and take control if their minds and vision. His control over them is not only mental, but physical too. One drawback of this ability is that Yushiro is required to be in proximity of his target to control them.

Game Exclusive Techniques

Knifehand Strike ( Shutō Uchi Yushiro goes behind the opponent and knocks them away with a powerful knifehand chop.

Strike ( Datotsu )
Yushiro lunges forward and performs a four-move combo as follows : An uppercut palm strike, a low-ended knifehand chop from the left, a middle-ended knifehand chop from the left again and finally, a straight palm strike to finish it off.

Spinning Attack ( Tenshin Zeme )
Yushiro flips backwards before rushing towards and delivering a short flurry of attacks that ends with a spinning overhead knifehand chop

Debilitating Blow ( Uchi Kuzushi )
Yushiro leaps into the air and spins their body horizontally while releasing three consecutive knifehand chops.

Scent of Illusory Blood, Visual Dream: Grapple (  Shikaku Mugen no Kō-Kumiuchi )
Yushiro pummels his opponent with multiple strikes with Tamayo aiding him by using her Blood Demon Art, Bewitchment: Scent of Illusory Blood, Visual Dream. This is ended by Yushiro performing an uppercut palm strike.

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