Igaram shoots once again.
Zoro is watching from the rooftop.
"Damn... And I left Luffy down there, too.""Quickly, Vivi-sama! Please escape!" Igaram shouted at her while shooting at the two enemies.
"Igaram!" She called out his name.
Mr.5 shot a booger at them and there was a huge explosion.
Igaram, who tool all of the damage, dropped to the ground barely conscious."Igaram!" Vivi shouted at him in worry.
"It's no use.! Ahahahh!" Miss Valentine was now floating high in the air. She starts dropping lower and lower.
She tries to kick Vivi but Vivi's hairtie comes loose instead, because she dodged it. She takes out one of her peacock slashers and tries to harm Miss Valentine but she just dodges it by running away, laughing. She is now next to Mr.5
"You monsters!" Vivi told them.
"You're a princess, Miss Wednesday?!" Mr.9 exclaimed, behind her.
"Quit being dumb, Mr.9!"
"This is one screwed-up night! You guys can do whatever you want!" Zoro ran in the middle of them, passing them, dragging Luffy with him.
"V-Vivi-sama..." Igaram groaned.
"Igaram! Are you all right?!"
"Vivi-sama! Never mind me! Just please... escape from here! For our motherland..." Igaram told her, much to her surprise. "Without you, our kingdom of Alabasta will be...
Please! Hurry!"Mr.5 picks his nose.
"Whoa now! That's some dangerous snot he's got!" Zoro exclaimed.
Igaram grabs Zoro's foot, much to his surprise. "What the hell?!"
"Sir Swordsman! Upon seeing your skill, I have a request, unreasonable as it may be!"
"Yeah, right! Screw that! Let go of me!"
"As both of those people possess Devil Fruit powers , I can't stop them!
Might I ask you to protect the princess in my place?! Please!""Huh?!"
Mr.5 picks his nose again, scoffing.
Miss Valentine just laughs.
Vivi gets on Karoo. "Karoo! Run!"
They run away."There she goes." Miss Valentine commented.
"She can't get away from us. Let's get her, Miss Valentine!" He starts running.
"Right, Mr.5!" She follows him laughing.
"If you can safely deliver the princess to the great kingdom of Alabasta far east of here...*cough* ...I promise that you will be rewarded immensely! I humbly beg of you! Please, keep the princess safe!"
"Screw that! You were trying to kill us until just a minute ago! Don't make me cut you some more!"
"Is this "immense reward" for real?" Nami appeared seemingly out of nowhere. She got their attention.
"I'll take up that offer! How does one billion Berries sound?" Nami smiled.
"Nami!" Zoro exclaimed.
Meanwhile, Igaram was shocked by the amount she was asking. "O-One billion Be--?! *cough* Ma-ma-ma..."
"I thought you were asleep?"
"Come on, now." She jumped off the place she was sitting. "Who in their right mind would sleep carelessly in an overly suspicious town that welcomes pirates.? It was all an act! A-C-T, act! I could keep on going if I wanted!"

The last demon in the One Piece world
FanfictionOver 100 years had passed since the battle against Muzan Kibutsuji. All the participants that fought in that gruesome war had all passed away during a time of peace from a world without demons. Yet, one from that time is still around. Yushiro, a dem...