"Born on Sharp Shooter Island~~! 100 shots, 100 hits, lululalalu~~! Even a mouse's eye, lock on!! The man~~ That came~~ From Sharp~~ Shooter Island~!
Lululululalalala~~! You better run and hide~~!! Sogege Soge Soge Soge~~! KING~!!"
Sanji , Franky and Yushiro made eye contact for a brief moment.
"What the hell is he doing...?", Yushiro muttered, as he knew that was Usopp.
Didn't even need his sense of smell to realize it."Eh, don't hurt his feelings.", Sanji sighed.
Yushiro motioned for "Sogeking" to come towards them. "Come on already."
Sogeking stiffened, but eventually walked over hurriedly. "Ah, sure..."
Sanji sighed while shaking his head and everyone crouched down when they were together.
"Okay. Now we need to carry out our strategy to rescue Robin.""Don't you guys have any questions for me or something? Since this is our first meeting...", Sogeking idly asked as he tucked his knees to his chest. "Like; Where's this sharp shooter island?", he whispered that last part.
Yushiro decided to play with him for a bit and tilted his head innocently, faking interest. "Sounds cool. Where is it? I would love to go there."
Sogeking seemed to buy it and started explaining. "Well first, if you manage to even beat the raging armies of the sea kings guarding the waters around the island you might--......"
Sogeking stopped explaining as he noticed that Yushiro was just nodding nonstop, with a bored face.
".... You're being sarcastic."Yushiro rolled his eyes at that. "No-- duh! Anyway.... Sanji... go on please."
Sanji sighed before he started explaining. "First off, where you guys were is the sixth car. There are five more cars to go. Robin-chan could be in any of them.", he then looked at Franky. "Right, so... Are you strong?"
Franky gave him a look. "I'm suuupeer strong jackass--! I've been especially strong this week!"
Sanji sighed. "Lastly, if we save Robin-chan, we win."
Yushiro joined in. "But there are a lot of enemies. If we carelessly jump the gun and get surrounded in a small space like a train, that'll be a problem. So it's probably best if we avoid unnecessary fights and crush the main forces in turns."
Sanji's eyes flashed. Looked like he had an idea. "So, that leads me to a possible strategy. Look....
Listen carefully."~~☆☆~~
Car 7
Yushiro was hanging upside down from the balcony of the next carriage and the others were behind him.
He smirked and knocked on the door.
After 2 seconds, the door opened and the others greeted the undercover agents with a bright grin and wave. "Good evening--!"
Yushiro immediately headbutted the agent and Franky grabbed the door handle and shut the door.
Following, Sogeking immediately hammered down on the nails of a wooden board to hold the door shut.

The last demon in the One Piece world
أدب الهواةOver 100 years had passed since the battle against Muzan Kibutsuji. All the participants that fought in that gruesome war had all passed away during a time of peace from a world without demons. Yet, one from that time is still around. Yushiro, a dem...