In the forest....
The kids and Kaya are running.
"Huf...Huff...Is that Hypnotist still behind us?!"
"Nope, i dont see him! lEts lose him for good!"
"Like he can really catch us inside this forest!"
"Don't worry Kaya-san! We'll protect you!"
"Yeah! In the name of the Usopp Pirates!"
Kaya:" Huff...Thank you....."
Behind them, something flies by very quickly and cuts the trees. They are all surprised.
It was two chakrams.
Jango appears from the smoke and catches them. "Not there.....WHERE ARE YOU, YOU RUNTS?! DON'T THINK YOU CAN ESCAPE ME!"
The kids are hidden behind a cut tree.
Jango:" I can shave this whole forest bald, if you'd like!"
"Woah! He seems really mad!"
Kaya is huffing and breathing heavily clentching her chest.
"Is he not just a hypnotist?!"
Jnago:" Where did you run off to?" he turns his head left. "This way!"
Turns out the kids and Kaya were literally hiding below him.
They are relieved, but.......Carrot has a leaf on his nose and was about to sneeze. The otehr two hold his mouth , so he doesn't make any noise and Jango hears them.
The urge to sneeze is gone now.Jango is slashing through bushes and leaves. "Where are you, you runts?!!"
Usopp:" Hey! East! East! I said East!"
Zoro:" Like i know where that is! Tell me left or right!"
Zoro is running through the forest carrying Usopp.
Usopp:" Then, turn right!"
Zoro:" That's the opposite way!"
Kaya falls and is breathing heavily.
They rush to her trying to lift her up.
Kaya:" Sorry......You run on ahead..."
"What are you saying?! our mission is to protect you!"
"Oh no! She's got a really bad fever!"
"Eh?! Hang in there, Kaya-san! A doctor! Get a doctor!"
"You idiot! There's no time for that! Someone's trying to kill her!"
"But, it's dangerous for her to run any more!"
Jango:" Where are you, runts?!" he slashes some trees.
Kaya:" Thank you....I'm happy that you helped me.....
Just the thought is enough for me....
Run away, all three of you."

The last demon in the One Piece world
FanfictionOver 100 years had passed since the battle against Muzan Kibutsuji. All the participants that fought in that gruesome war had all passed away during a time of peace from a world without demons. Yet, one from that time is still around. Yushiro, a dem...