Chapter 30: Yosaku and Johnny

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I decided not to add the Gaimon filler causeeeeeeeeeee i really wanna write Baratie as soon as i can.
Also there gonna be some scenes from the manga in this chapter.

Usopp:"Hm...Foolish Pirates. You'd knowingly attack the invisible fleet commanded by Captain Usopp-sama of the Going Merry?!
Attack them, men! Attack!  ..!"

He turns red from embarrassment.

Zoro is napping on the floor of the caravel, Luffy is painting something, Nami is looking at some maps and Yushiro is kicking the air.

Usopp:" C'mon you guys. Show some interest in other people..."

Luffy gets up ."All done!"

Usopp is startled.

He shows a ...weird flag. "Look! A pirate flag! Now that Usopp's joined and we have five people, we need to have our own mark!"

Zoro ahs a bead of sweat. "That's our mark?"

Luffy:" Whadya think? Nice, huh?"

Zoro:"A pirate flag is a symbol of death. A symbol of fear!"

Nami:" I do sense fear, though... Fear of your talent."

Usopp:"Ntsk.Ntsk.Ntsk. Wish you would've told me first! Dont forget about me, the gifted artist!"


Usopp shows his flag.

Zoro and Luffy hit him on the head.
Yushiro is still practising his kicks.
He is unterrupted by Luffy though.

Luffy:" Oi, Yushiro! Come here paint a flag for us! This is mine! Make it better!"

He shows Yushiro his flag and Yushiro immediately makes a new kne since he hated that one.

*also Yushiro is literally an artist, thats why i made him draw the flag*


Nami:" Wow! Thats perfect!"

Zoro:" It doesnt look even remoteky like the other one!"

Yushiro:" 💢 Hah?! Is there a problem with Luffy's and my drawing?"

Zoro:" No..."  ----> is sweating heavily

Luffy:" Thats great! Draw one on the sail too with Usopp!!"


Usopp:" Alright! It's done! With this, our pirate ship Going Merry is ready for action!
Ahh! Im tired!"


Luffy was trying out the cannon.

Zoro:"!? Hey, what're you doing all of a sudden?"

Luffy:" I'm testing out our cannon! It'd be a waste not to make good use of it!
But i cant get it to fire well..."

Usopp:" Stand aside  my amateur friend!"

Luffy:" Try aiming for that rock!"

Usopp:" Ok!
Judging the distance between here and the target....Rhis should about do it..."


He hits the rock bull's eye.

Luffy:" Holy crap! You hit it on your first shot!"

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