Chapter 50: Buggy's Revenge! The Man Who Smiles On The Execution Platform!

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Loguetown(Execution Platform)

At the execution platform, Luffy stood on top of the wooden scaffold at the center of town as all of the civilians in the area looked up at him.

"So this the place where it all happened? 22 years ago, the King of the Pirates Gold Roger was executed right here!", Luffy stated.

"Woah! Someone's on the execution platform!"

"Who is that guy?"

" Hey, you!! Over there! Get down immediately!!" A security guy shouted out at him through a megaphone.

"But why?"

"You are standing on the execution platform that belongs to the World Goverment!! Now get down from there right now!"

"Well, you don't have to be so strict, officer." He told him in a teasing tone.

"If you don't come down, i'll just arrest you. I'm coming up now!"

The security guard was suddenly knocked out by an iron mace from Alvida, who wore a pink cape with hearts imbued all over it.

Alvida:" Hmph! Now's not the time for small fries. I've been looking for you, Luffy. Long time no see..." she smiles at him.

"Huh?" Luffy looked at her in confusion.

"Don't tell me you forgot my face..." she asked the straw hat pirate.

Everybody in the crowd, men and women, had hearted eyes.

"How beautiful..."

"She's so pretty!"

"She's a woman of unrivaled beauty!"

"Her skin looks very smooth!"

"I don't know anyone like you. Who the heck are you?" He asked her in confusion.

"I'll never forget you....
because you're the first man who hit me."she smiled.

"What? I hit you?"

The crows was making disapproving sounds.

"When your passionate fist hit me that time...", Alvida caressed her smooth thin stomach. "Oh, it felt good..."

The crowd was heart eyed again

Luffy was just creeped out.

He doesn't look comfortable at all

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He doesn't look comfortable at all....
I feel sorry for him....

"You guys... what's the most beautiful thing in the East Blue?"

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