Chapter 94: This is the Sea of the Sky! The Lnight of the Sky and Heaven's Gate

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Spiraling through the clouds ahead, Yushiro noticed the immediate lack of oxygen in the atmosphere.

They were speeding upwards through the mass of water that was filling the cumuloregalis clouds and finally the Going Merry broke through the surface with the whole crew flying with her.

But, the wings that Cricket and the 2 monkey brothers had built broke from the impact.


Yushiro fell on his back and hugged Chopper tightly in order not to hit him.

He glanced around the deck to make sure that everyone had made it.

He saw that they were gasping for oxygen.

Nami let out a few coughs but was alright.

Usopp was unconscious.

Sanji was trying to even out his breathing and let out a few coughs.

Yushiro had protected Chopper from all of the clouds so Chopper just looked a bit dizzy.

Speaking of Yushiro, he sat up and eyed them all. "Is....everyone all right?", he panted, before regaining himself

Zoro also sat up. "....! Damn...! What happened?"

Robin looked fine, just slightly frazzled from the whole experience.

Yushiro then turned his head to Luffy, who was looking at something.
"Hey, guys! Look outside the ship!"

They all followed his gaze and saw a beautiful view.

All around them, they could see clouds in every shape and form, clamped together like cotton candy.

"What is this place?!", Sanji exclaimed.

"IT'S PURE WHITE!", Luffy shouted in pure glee.

Everyone crowded the railings to get a better view.

Yushiro was still holding Chopper and put him on his head instead, helping him to see the clouds since he was too short.

Chopper looked amazed. "CLOUDS?!"

Nami clamped down her hands on the railing firmly. "We're in the clouds?! How are we staying in them?!"

"Of course you can stay on them! They're clouds!", Luffy stated as if it was obvious.

Sanji, Zoro and Chopper all looked at him, waving a hand in front of them, dismissing Luffy's statement.
"No, you can't!"

Chopper got down from Yushiro's head, seeing Usopp's state.

Luffy bounced over in concern.

Sanji twirled around. "Okay! I'll give Nami-swan CPR~❣️"

Zoro turned around, annoyed by his antics. "Moron."

Chopper was trying to get Usopp back to life.

Then, Yushiro approached them and leaned down. "Let me handle this."

Luffy and Chopper snapped their heads towards him. "What?! You're gonna kill him if you do that!"

Yushiro rolled his eyes, raised his arms high into the air.....

And hit Usopp harshly.

Instantly, Usopp was up and awake.
"W-What happened?! My chest hurts...", he rubbed it.

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