Chapter 132: Blue Luffy?! The Final Showdown

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As Yushiro went outside, he noticed all the destruction.

' What the hell happened while I was away.....?', he thought with a sweatdrop and a familiar scent reached him.

His head snapped upwards.
There was a freaking giant zombie about to attack someone he couldn't see, but that person stopped it with one hand.

His eyebrows were raised and he squinted his eyes.

As the fog cleared away, he was shocked as he recognised that person.
"LUFFY?! Wait... Why is he blue...?", he mumbled.

Said Luffy, probably didn't hear him, and unleashed a barrage of attacks against the giant Zombie and , probably the Warlords they were looking for,.... What was his name again.... Moron... Something like that...

He slashed through the zombie with a sword and hit Moron in the face, seemingly finishing them off.

Multiple.... Were those shadows?! Left his body and he went unconscious, slowly dropping from the building.

Yushiro, with his quick reflexes, rushed and caught him just in time.

He set him down, completely ignoring the cheers of the victims, and brushed Luffy's bangs away from his face with a solemn expression. ' I was late.... Again..... Dammit....', he thought, angry with himself.

"Huh?", he let out as he heard something behind him.

The giant zombie had gotten up again.

As he noticed that his crewmates were very injured, he held up a hand as he walked towards the zombie.
"You guys, rest. I'll deal with him.", he declared with a determined glare.

They all sighed in relief.

"We're saved!", Usopp sighed.

"Yeah. I'm so gladdd!", Nami agreed with a nod.

He stretched a bit and went into a racing position.

"GOOO, YUSHIRO!", Usopp yelled , trying hyped him up.



"That kid....", Nami spoke up, gaining the attention of all of them. "He might not look like it, but.... He's our vice-captain!! So!! Trust him!"

Oars groaned a bit. "That didn't hurt at all.

"Oh yah?", Yushiro quirked an eyebrow. "My brother's attacks always have impact so....."

Suddenly, Zoro appeared, bloodied all over. "I don't know what happened to Luffy, but he dealt plenty of damage."

"H-Hey mister! You'll croak if you try to run around as you are now.", a victim tried to warn Zoro.

Yushiro glanced behind him. "Oi, Zoro. Rest. I'll handle this. It's an order.", he emphasized the last word so that Zoro would obey.

Zoro stared at him for a moment before he sat down. "Alright. If you--"

"I won't need help, don't worry so much.", he smiled at him before turning ahead. "That brat must pay after hurting all of you."

Luffy groaned before he sat up. "Nii-chan...."

Brook also got up. "If there's anything I can do for you..."

"UWAH! The skeleton is up and moving!"

"No. I got this ", he declared. "OI! YOU ZOMBIE BRAT!"

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