Chapter One: Arrow In A Body!

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{Author's Note: Since this story is more than just a romance with McGee I will be doing my favorite episodes ENJOY}

Photographs are shown of a red haired woman with twinkling blue eyes like her father's as she was growing up. The first picture shown was of her parents holding her then her first two birthdays of her blowing out candles. Next was a picture of her holding her little sister while her mom helped her followed by pictures of the two girls growing up. Her mom and sister disappeared from the pictures after the woman turned ten and the pictures turned to her paternal grandfather and her. She flashed from an eleven year old girl to graduate from high school to a graduate of college before holding her first gun.

A group of boy scouts are shown readying their bows to fire into a target. A boy is shown as he held his like all the other kids his age. His hand shakes a little against the bow as his teacher stood nearby and encouraged him. Everyone fired their arrows and while most of them landed on the target, the boy's arrow flew over the wooden fence.

"What'cha aiming at, Tommy? Maryland?" A boy teases.

"You'll never get your archery pin shooting like this, Tommy." His teacher tells him.

"Eighteen!" A boy exclaims getting his arrow.

"Twenty-four!" Another exclaims.

"Twenty-six! I rule!" The teasing kid says.

"Hey Tommy. Get the arrow that went over the hill, okay?" The teacher tells Tommy. He nods and heads in search of his arrow. He headed down a path and looked around for his arrow. He discovers his arrow's location and his eyes widen in shock. He stares at the arrow. It was in a dead woman's body and he worried that he was the one who killed her.

[A Few Hours Later]

A black and white truck is shown driving down a street. At the wheel was a silver haired male with twinkling blue eyes. In the middle was a curly red haired woman while in the passenger side was a brunet male. In the back of the truck sat the red haired girl. Her hair was straight but tied into a tight bun.

"Kid puts an arrow in a corpse. That's a new one." The silver haired male says.

"Just a variation." The brunet male says and snickers, "I remember we found this old guy - died watching TV. We found him sitting in the lazy boy, stiff as a board, with a bud in his hand—" He begins his story.

"Oh, please, not another Baltimore Homicide story..." The woman in the middle pleads.

"Looks like a natural death, but we gotta wait for the M.E. to confirm it, right? So it's dinnertime, my partner and I are starving, so we tell the beat rookie to keep an eye on the stiff. Rookie's never been alone with a body. Well, suddenly, body goes out of rigor, slumps, the air trapped in the lungs is forced through the voice box and the corpse moans." The brunet continues.

"I'll bet..." The woman says.

"Rookie freaks, empties his service revolver into the body." The brunet says.

"Y'know what I think Dinozzo?" The woman in the back says.

"Don't say it's an urban myth, man, cause I was there." Dinozzo says.

"Would you let her speak?" The woman in the middle says.

"You were the rookie, Dinozzo." The silver haired male says.

"That's funny, Gibbs. Funny. Wrong. But funny." Dinozzo says.

"Right." The woman in the back says. They get waved into the area by a local law enforcement officer. They get parked and start grabbing all the gear they'll need. The woman in the back climbs out as she threw on her NCIS issued hat.

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