Chapter Thirty: He's Not A Target, He's A 15 Year Old Boy

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Rose and Tony go to the classroom door. Rose hears a commotion and Kody yells at Gibbs.

"Kody, is something wrong in there?" Tony asks.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Kody demands.

"Giving you an update. Want to let you know Special Agent Caitlyn Todd is out looking for your mother." Rose states.

"Don't come back until you find her. I... I won't tell you again." Kody yells.

"Alright, we're going." Rose states. They walk away.

"How are you going to tell Gibbs' the kid's mom's dead?" The SRT guy asks.

"I already did." Rose replies.

"Huh?" The guy asks.

"Special Agent Todd is dead." Tony responds. Tony answers his phone when it starts to ring.

"Dinozzo." Tony announces.

"Hold for the director." Jen's secretary orders.

"The director..." Tony states and puts the phone on speaker for him and Rose.

"He wants his dead mother brought to the classroom?" Jen asks.

"He won't accept that she's dead. He thinks he saw her recently." Tony announces.

"That's not an unusual fantasy in grief." Ducky responds.

"Sometimes a soul appears to say goodbye." Rose whispers. In the Director's office, Ducky and Jen exchange a look. At the school, Tony is looking at Rose who looked down with a sad look.

"That's an impossible demand." Jen states.

"We know, Director. I'm working on it." Tony explains.

"Define 'working on it,' Agent Dinozzo." Jen orders.

"SRT's in place, working on getting visual access into the room and a way to contact Gibbs." Tony states.

"And?" Jen asks.

"And we're just getting started." Tony states.

"What's your deadline?" Jen asks.

"Sundown." Tony responds.

"About five hours." Rose says.

"How powerful is the bomb?" Jen asks.

"Uh, don't know yet. Sciuto and Agent McGee are going through the kid's computer and everything found in his room, trying to work out what the explosive is." Tony explains.

"Does he have a dead-man's switch?" Jen asks.

"Hoping Sciuto and McGee can tell us that." Tony responds.

"And if he doesn't?" Jen asks.

"You want me to take him out." Tony states.

"It may be your only option." Jen explains.

"Like to get them all out alive, Director, including Kody." Rose states.

"I agree. But if it's not possible, I need to know that you're capable of making the call." Jen responds.

"I've done it before." Rose states.

"On a fifteen year old?" Jen asks.

"He was fourteen." Rose states. The teenager that Rose shot when she was a Probie was fourteen years old.

"If the time comes, you cannot hesitate, you cannot second-guess yourself..." Jen continues.

"Okay, if you don't trust me, I suggest you relieve me." Tony states, seeing Rose upset, "Otherwise, leave me alone. I've got work to do, ma'am." He hangs up.

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