Chapter Twenty-Two: The Gibbs' Gut!

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[A Few Months Later]

Rose walks into work. Gibbs had gone ahead to get his coffee and was already at work. Rose, on the other hand, took a little longer in her shower. She liked to dress nice because she was hoping to catch Tim's eye and affection. She had both, but he hadn't exactly told her yet. Rose steps through the way she normally did because everyone knew her as a member of Gibbs' team. Some knew that she was his daughter, some kept that part secret. She steps into the semi crowded elevator of men. She stretches in the elevator with a yawn. Some of the men in the elevator watch her. Rose has a gorgeous body, many men told her that, but with her father as an overprotective bodyguard, she didn't really date much. Believe it or not, she was still saving herself for the perfect man. She hoped that the perfect man was Tim. She places her hand on her gun and all the men go back to looking at other things. She grins slightly as she is highly amused with herself. The elevator stops on her floor and she walks out of the elevator when the door opens with a ding.

The team is shown behind the title of NCIS: Boss's Daughter. Gibbs is then shown walking as he was about to pull out his NCIS ID from his front pocket before he's shown with a camera and then firing his gun. Rose is shown with her gun drawn and she narrows her eyes at the suspect as she was talking him down. Cait is shown looking up and smiling before she is shown looking around while holding her gun and flashlight. Tony is shown jumping around before he's shown smiling and laughing. Light flickers and Abby is shown looking at something with Ducky before she's shown carrying a tray with a babydoll head on it. Light flashes and Tim is shown walking into Abby's lab, making a confused look at Tony, and then looking around the wall towards Rose and Gibbs. The title flashes doing the N-C-I-S one letter at time before Boss's Daughter appears under it. Light flickers and Ducky is shown examining a body with a weapon, smiling before he's shown waving a sword around. Finally, Gibbs is shown pulling a body out of the drawer in Autopsy and Ducky takes a picture causing lights to flash to the title again.

"Man, I love scaring coworkers." Rose whispers. Rose walks into the bullpen and she stops to see Cait drawing. Tim stood over Cait's desk looking down at what Cait was drawing. Rose glances over as well. It was a drawing of their favorite most obnoxious movie freak coworker.

"Is that Tony?" Tim asks. Cait freaks out and looks at them.

"What? No!" Cait states turning and hiding her drawing, "Is there a reason you've been haunting over my desk for the past week?"

"I haven't been haunting." Tim responds, quickly.

"He's been haunting over my desk too, Cait." Rose says, "Except I don't have a nice little drawing."

"It was one time." Tim responds.

"You almost fell into my lap. That's how close you were." Rose says before she sighs and she looks away.

"What's wrong?" Tim asks as he watches her entire expression change. She sometimes got these odd feelings. The last time she got a feeling Pacci died. She looks at Tim.

"Nothing. I just... I have a really bad feeling about today. I'm not sure what it is though." Rose states. Rose and Tim walk away to get coffee.

[A Few Minutes Later]

"They did miss me, right?" Tony asks.

"Yeah, something like that." Gibbs states.

"I can't wait to see their faces." Tony says.

"You did the right thing." Cait says as she was on the phone again, "Where is the car exactly?"

"Hi Cait!" Tony exclaims, jumping up to surprise her before he lets out a cough.

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