Chapter 31

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Dwayne stood outside the car, the weight of the bouquet of red roses in his hands as heavy as the nervous anticipation in his chest. With a deep breath, he mentally steeled himself for what was to come. Adjusting his suit and making sure every detail was in place, he carefully applied a touch of cologne, the subtle scent drifting around him in the cool evening air. As he stood there, a mix of nervousness and excitement played on his features. Did he really have the courage to do this? What if Jane didn't feel the same way about him? Deep down, he knew that her heart truly yearned for Kayden, but a glimmer of hope still lingered. With that hope flickering in his heart, he stepped forward, ready to take the leap.

Dwayne took a deep breath. "Do I have a chance against Kayden? Well, knock it off, Dwayne! You can do it!" he muttered under his breath, trying to shake off the self-doubt. With newfound determination, he strode purposefully towards the imposing gate of the Scotts' mansion.

As he approached, a sleek car suddenly pulled up and blocked his path, forcing him to come to an abrupt halt. The tension was palpable as Kayden stepped out of the car, his expression grave and intense, hinting at a sense of urgency. Without hesitation, Kayden rang the doorbell, and the vigilant guard swiftly responded, opening the door to allow him entry.

Minutes passed, and Dwayne emerged from behind the car, still clutching a vibrant bouquet of roses, a symbol of his heartfelt intentions. The guard acknowledged Dwayne's presence and ushered him onto the premises, waiting for him to enter the sprawling garden. Concealed by the lush foliage, Dwayne stealthily observed Kayden and another figure engaged in conversation. Sensing the need for caution, Dwayne discreetly maneuvered closer, seeking refuge behind a protective garden wall to eavesdrop on their exchange.

"I just want to know if Andy came back," Kayden said, nervously fidgeting as he looked at Jane.

"Andy?" Dwayne murmured to himself, intrigued by the mention of the name.

Jane smiled warmly and replied, "Oh, she never came back."

A visible sadness crossed Kayden's face as he processed the disappointing news. He looked up at the ceiling, taking a moment to collect his thoughts and emotions.

Kayden expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you for your time. I'm gonna go," before turning away. Just as Kayden was about to leave, Jane interrupted, "Wait! She left a message for you." Confused, Kayden turned back to face Jane. At that moment, his phone rang, and he quickly answered it, putting the conversation on hold.

Carl's voice could be heard on the other end of the line. "We're in position. Where are you Kay? Keith said you needed to do something," he said.

"Yeah, just let me finish it. I'll follow you, just get it started without me," Kayden responded before placing the phone down, never taking his eyes off Jane.

"Let me hear it," the latter spoke to Jane.

"Alright, let me be clear about the way she said it. Pay close attention, okay? I won't be saying this again." Kayden nodded, signaling for Jane to continue with her message.

"I'm sorry. I know it must have been really hard for you when I left without saying anything. I want you to know that I do love you, but I can't shake the feeling that maybe we're not right for each other. I hope you understand, Kay. I want you to know that I'm so grateful for your belief in me and for being a part of this novel. I truly appreciate it. Please know that I love you." After speaking those words, Jane slowly made her way over to Kayden, reaching out to comfort him.

"Who's this Andy they are talking about?" Dwayne muttered under his breath, his brow furrowing with confusion and concern.

"I hope you live a good life now that Andy is not here anymore," said Jane as she wrapped her arms around Kayden in a tight embrace. After she let go of Kayden, she smiled at him and added, "Thank you for making time to see me."

"No, thank you for relaying her message for me. I'll go. Maybe it's the last time you'll see me. Who knows?" Kayden gave Jane a heartfelt hug one last time, his expression tinged with a hint of sadness and uncertainty.

"What do you mean?" asked Jane, her voice reflecting her worry, but Kayden didn't look back and left, leaving Jane standing there, bewildered and anxious.

Meanwhile, Dwayne walked slowly toward the garden and waited for Jane, his mind swirling with questions and confusion. There were so many things he had just heard, and he couldn't process it all at once. Who is Andy? Why did Kayden seek her out? It suddenly dawned on him: the times when Kayden referred to Jane as Andy. It made his head ache once more. That's a lot to take on after all.

As Kayden bid farewell to the Scott's mansion, he made his way to the desolate battlefield, leaving behind the life he once knew. When he had solemnly informed Jane that their parting would be final, he had spoken from the depths of his heart. The decision had been carefully weighed and this resolution had always emerged as the inevitable outcome. He was resolute and prepared to confront the possibility of his own demise.

As he embarked on his journey, a steadfast determination gripped him. He couldn't shake the thought that if his life were truly a novel, then his individual existence seemed inconsequential. Perhaps, in death, he might discover a chance to reunite with Andy, a notion that had persisted in his mind amidst the turmoil of war.

Upon his arrival at the battleground, the cacophony of gunfire assaulted his senses from his vantage point. Clutching his firearm tightly, he advanced with a resolute pace towards the tumultuous battlefield. "This is it," he muttered to himself with steely resolve.


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What a turn of events aren't it? Our dear Kayden wanted to die? I'm shocked I wrote this. 😐 maybe I really do want to finish this story after all. Anyways, love you guys ❤️

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