Chapter 3

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Bakugo was just glaring at poor Izuku, seeming mad about having his throwing distance beaten. This kid was the epitome of a ticking time bomb. Without much thought he raced forward, a blast ready to be fired; shot from his hands.

Reflexively I shot vines out of my wrists, and they wrapped around him before he could get any hits on Izuku. At the same time Aizawa used his scarf to also hold the quick tempered boy in place. Using his quirk to disable Bakugo's in the process.

"Let me go flower power, this isn't your fight," He seethed trying to fight against the vines. However since it was daylight they held up, getting tighter as he struggled.

"Hero's don't attack other hero's, even ones that are in training. Holding grudges is going to get you killed in the long run," I explained keeping a level head and slowly the vines retreated back to me. But Aizawa kept his scarf around the boy.

"Why is your stupid scarf so damn strong?" He fought the restraints but it was no use. Aizawa is a pro hero and was stronger than Bakugo, even if the boy didn't want to admit defeat.

"It's a capture item made from a carbon fiber," he explains, then went on to state that it wouldn't be wise to make him have to use his quirk, as it gave him really dry eyes.

With that we continued going through the other tests and by the end of it I was feeling pumped. Adrenaline still coursed through me as the rest looked ready for a nap.

Aizawa had ranked everyone based on how well we did, and I tied for third which made me happy. And it turns out that nobody was getting expelled it was just a way for us to work hard.

With that over with, class was dismissed and I couldn't wait to go home. It was some what of a long day, and I really wanted to watch trash tv whilst procrastinating.

After changing, Shoto and I met back up at the front of the school and began walking towards our homes.

"Would your parents mind if I stayed over. Can't stand the look of my bastard father right now," he asks as we walked at a leisurely pace.

"You know they love your company," I state nudging his shoulder. He was always welcome at my house, even if he showed up at 3 am, my parents would welcome him with open arms.

Of course they didn't know about the things Endeavors done to all his children. His need for them all to be perfect really took a toll on them. Especially on Shoto, as well as his older brother Touya. Although that was never a topic that was discussed, and one I never pushed Shoto to mention.

"Its shameful how people admire and look up to him, if only they knew the truth," he sighs and I grabbed his hand. Rubbing the pad of my thumb in circles along the back of it.

We walked in silence as the gate to my house came into view. Palace was more damn like it, the place was massive. Sometimes I forget just how rich my family is, until I see my house. Of course most material things meant nothing to me.

Upon entering the main hall, I noticed how quiet it was. Walking into the kitchen, there was a note on the fridge.

Your mother and I were invited to a hero conference in Tokyo, should be back by tomorrow night.

Hope your first day of school went well, can't wait to hear all about it when we get back. We've brought your brother with us.

Love, Dad.

"Guess it's just us then," Shoto states, having read the note over my shoulder. With that we took refuge on the couch in my room, watching a few of my favorite movies and eating supper that I'd made for us. Cooking and baking were hobbies of mine, so it never bothered me when I had to fend for myself in the times where I was home alone.

"I've got to head to the shops for a few things. You should stay and rest. You've used your ice alot today and are practically on Morpheus's doorstep," I announced when The Avengers finished.

He sighed about to protest, but I shook my head. Signaling that this would be a losing battle for him. By using only one part of his quirk, as a way to defect against his father, he uses his ice way more which drains his energy more. I told him that I shouldn't be too long, and ventured through the door. Stepping out into the crisp evening air.

With hands shoved firmly into my pockets, I trudged down the paved streets, my sheakers slightly scraping against loose rocks.

Thankfully the shops were within walking distance, so it had taken me a few minutes to reach them.

I was just coming down the front of one when suddenly I knocked into someone. Curse me for not paying attention, having got swept up within my ever changing thoutghts.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," I quickly state, holding my hands up.

"Sweet little Andrea," a familiar voice cooed causing me to freeze, my body unwilling to move even the smallest muscle.

Slowly casting my eyes towards that voice, my eyes widened as they comfirmed what I already knew. His hair was the same style, however dyed black. It changed his appearance just enough for others not to recognize him, but one look in those blue eyes gave it away.

Not to mention the reconstructed parts to his face. The bruised colored parts stapled together with the healthy skin. A smirk formed on his face as my body began shaking in fear.

On a good note it was wise not to have Shoto here, but one the other hand of course my terrible luck casted me into such a horrible situation.

After a few more painful seconds I finally gathered enough strength to clench my jaw "Touya," I managed to say now breathing heavily through my nose.

Why is it always me........

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