Chapter 24

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This was it, finally back at school and away from Endeavors stupid agency, it was so hard not punching the man whenever I saw him around. Luckily mom was there so I didn't do anything, as I didn't want to risk her job. Even if he had chosen her to move to Japan all those years ago, because he wanted her at his agency. Probably due to her powerful quirks which could get his agency more recognition.

The thing with Stain was all over the news, and just as the chief stated our names were kept out of it. It was only stated that a few pro heroes and four UA students discovered the villain, when Endeavor showed up to save us all. Our injuries were reported to be from activities during our internships. Our class knew it was us at the scene, but they didn't know we were the ones to immobilize the villain.

I stepped into the class letting out a sigh at all the chatter. Normally it drove me crazy but today it seemed to put me at ease. My eyes scanned the room, smiling at my fellow classmates. It was good to see Iida and Deku looking better after everything. I knew Shoto was fine as we were often training together at the agency. Much to my disliking at having his father critic us on every little thing we did wrong. Stupid bastard.

"Oh my god what did they do to our poor Katsuki," I exclaimed walking over to the explosive boy, who was getting made fun of by Sero, Kirishima and Denki. He looked very angry at them too, like he wanted to blast their heads off.

I stopped in front of the angry boy, who stopped rambling once he saw me. His red eyes scanned over me, looking for possible injuries, only finding the one on my cheek. Which was healed, although I told my dad to leave it heal normally. The scar would be a reminder of what I survived.

Katsuki had his blonde hair gelled smooth, and the look really didn't suit him. It made him look strange really, totally not his look. I heard from Mina that he had interned under Best Jeanist. Poor Kat, it must've been torture for him.

I lifted both hands up, placing them on his head. Raking my fingers through the soft fibers, I moved my fingers quickly ruffling up the hair. Causing it to spring back to its usual style that defied gravity.

"There that's better, our Kat is back to normal," I stated with a bright smile, noticing the class got quiet at the interaction. Probably wanted to see Bakugo's reaction.

"Thanks Flower Power it's been stuck flat for days now. It was awful," he let out a sigh, running his fingers though the freed hair. It must've felt weird having it gelled like that when he didn't want it to be.

"Well at least it's over now," I replied with a bright smile, I noticed he kept looking at the scar on my cheek "Don't worry about it. It was just a light cut."

Everyone was now talking about Stain and how it was scary for us to have been there when it all went down. A fight that lasted only around ten minutes, but for us it really felt like days. It took alot of our energy to keep focus, and although I willing went to help. Still shook me to my core, and it had been the adrenaline that stopped the fear from taking over.

This conversation was making the boys uncomfortable as people kept admiring Endeavor for his achievement. I walked over and placed a hand on Shoto's shoulder, standing behind him. He looked like he was about to sprout the truth.

Giving a gentle squeeze, hand glowing blue as I calmed him down. Putting him at ease and I felt him relax beneath my finger tips.

Denki went on to say that he thought the Hero Killer was kind of cool. Talking about the video of the villain that kept dominating the internet.

"People who murder others are not cool. Life is such a gift that could very easily be taken from us, those who commit such a heinous act deserve to rot in the deepest pits of hell," I seethed not believing that he could say such a thing, and in front of people who actually were there. The ones who gave up recognition for catching the killer to avoid legal trouble.

Before anything else could be said, All Might came in ready to start the class. Which was going to be a race to see who could reach a distress signal first. We changed and went to the mock city we used for exercises like this, those who weren't in the first group were watching everything on the screen.

Deku was part of that group, and everyone in the class thought he wouldn't perform well since he didn't get good control over his quirk yet.

I laughed looking back at them as I stood by the screen "Ready to eat those words. Watch this ladies and gents because he's about to blow your minds." I smirked at them before turning back to the screen.

They all gasped as everyone watched the green haired boy fly past Sero, doing the same technique Bakugo used. And let me tell you the angry Pomeranian wasn't too happy about it either.

"He's learning that quirks are extensions of our bodies and taking our styles to adapt to his quirk. It's incredibly smart of him to do," I explained as he suddenly did a move I normally did when flying around on the currents. His power coursing though his whole body.

Unfortunately he didn't place first in the race, having lost his footing. But at least he got to show off what he learned during the last week with Gran Torino. The rest of the groups went, and I came first for my race, Shoto for his and Bakugo for his.

Now I was in the locker room, due to being sweaty I took a quick shower then put my uniform back on. As I was about to button up my shirt, there was a voice through the wall next to me.

It sounded like Mineta, and then Iida yelling at him to not go through with perving on the girls. My eyes focused on a hole that was there, it was big enough to see into the other room. I nudged Kyoka who was next to me, and nudged my head towards the wall.

She scooted around me and placed a jack in the wall, hearing the conversation better.

"He's talking about all your bodies and how he wants to see them. Iida is being persistent on trying to stop him, so are Deku, Todoroki and Bakugo," she stated before shoving the other jack into the opening, right into his eye.

"What is wrong with him really, he's got no respect for women," I sighed as I buttoned the last button, not bothering with my blazer as it was really warm today. Jirou removed her jack and I placed my hand over the hole, closing it up with my quirk.

That will teach the little pervert not to mess with us......

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