Chapter 43

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Due to all the chaos that ensued this last while our school was moving all the students into dorms right on campus. That way they can provide us with maximum protection, it didn't take much convincing for my parents to agree, but Lycan was sad to see me go. However I'd promised to visit as much as I could and told him he'd always be welcome by everyone to stay at the dorms from time to time.

Aizawa was lecturing the whole class on how he'd expel them if it weren't for losing All Might as the symbol of peace. Considering most of them knew of Shoto, Kiri, Momo, Deku and Iida risking everything to save Bakugo and I. In fact if Aizawa went through with that plan then the class would only consist of Kat, Kyoka, Toru and I since the rest knew about the plan and didn't try to stop them.

Aizawa was explaining how things were going to work, walking just ahead. That was when Kat had grabbed Denki taking him behind a bush. Frying him as a distraction from him handing Kiri money, saying that he didn't like being in people's debt. An interaction that didn't go unnoticed by Shoto and I. We both smiled at how much our boyfriend was being better and less aggressive towards the other classmates.

After that happened we were given time to get settled in and unpacked. My room turned out to be on the main floor, given the odd number of students. It was down the hall from the commons area, and had a special hand print lock to keep Mineta out.

It was very spacious, even more so than my room back home and that was big as it was. Luckily I was able to fit everything in nicely and was proud of how it all turned out. My phone beeped, signaling that I got a text.

Elsa: When you're done unpacking meet at my room.

Me: Roger that captain

I chuckled as I could picture him shaking his head at my reply. But also finding it amusing, and yes his contact name is Elsa, because he's my Disney princess.

My sneakers squeaked on the hard wood floors as I made my way into the elevator, taking it to the fifth floor. It hadn't taken long before I stood before my boyfriend's door, knocking gently as he told me to come in. I couldn't help the giggle that left my lips as I took in the room. Also Kat was lying on Shoto's sleep mat.

"Dude this is just your fucking house. It's like you shrunk it," I continued giggling as I took off my shoes, the mats comfy beneath my feet.

"It's more comfortable than hardwood floors, plus it's simple just as I like it," he defended himself, even though I wasn't picking on him.

"Hmm enough bickering, get over here and cuddle me," Katsuki whined from his spot on the mat, causing both of us to laugh making our way over. We laid down on either said of him, resting our heads on his chest.

We ended up taking a well deserved nap, happy to be back together after everything. It was the first ounce of peace I felt, and it was great to feel that again. When we all woke up again we ventured down to the common area and headed to the kitchen. It had been a long day, as I ruffled through the fridge.

Finding all the ingredients for a lovely chicken noodle soup. Katsuki and I began chopping veggies as the chicken cooked. Shoto sat at the island just watching us in awe as the both of us worked in sync. Cooking alongside eachother in a perfect harmony as we've done loads of times before.

I also made dough that was rising on the counter, they'd make the perfect rolls. Soon the others began making their way down into the main area, probably looking for food, or they began smelling the yummy broth Kat was making. He threw in pinches of different spices here and there.

Denki cake over peeking into the pot, going to touch something but Kat smacked him upside the head with a ladle.

"Get out of our kitchen Sparky," he scolded not missing a beat as he went back to placing vegetables into the stock. As he did that I dumped the cooked spiral noodles into it, also putting in the shredded up chicken.

With that done, the rolls went into the oven as we left things to simmer, letting the meat soak up all the flavours which would make it taste better.

"I'm so confused as to what's happening," Mineta states watching the two of us tidying up the mess we made. And Shoto began setting the places for all our classmates at the big table.

"They like cooking. Wait till you taste Katsuki's cookies," Shoto stated with a chuckle.

"They're the best cookies ever!" I stated with a smile as Kat nudged my shoulder, an actual smile on his face. The three of us already talked about going public since a few classmates found out about us the other day. Guess this was the best time to tell them.

"Damn right they are babe, and don't you forget it. Although Shoto makes the best cinnamon rolls," Katsuki stated winking at the two toned boy. Who placed his hand on his chest.

"You humble me darling," he replied coming over and giving us both pecks on the tips of our noses. Earning light laughs from us at the tickling sensation.

The giggles from Izuku and Momo were heard as I looked up, after taking the rolls out of the oven. The rest of the class who didn't know about us were staring with mouths a gap, well I assumed Toru also looked like that since I couldn't see her expression. However the sleeves of her shirt were raised like she had her hands on her face.

Mina looked stunned, as they all looked around at one another reacting like fish out of water.

"I think we broke them loves," I giggled taking in all their expressions as a bunch of them began handing Kiri and Deku the money they owed them for the bets they made.

"Idiots thought there was something going on between two of us, but didn't think of it actually being all three of us," Kat chuckled with a grin as he took the soup off the burner, setting it on a cooling mat on the table. As I placed the rolls down.

They soon recovered then proceeded to sit around the table. Enjoying the soup and rolls.

"Alright it's official from now on Bakugo and Drea are making supper every night. Ribbit," Tsu stated licking some of the broth that was on her lip.

"Damn right we are, I saw how most of your curries and stews turned out at camp, and would rather not be poisoned," Katsuki stated and soon we all ate just enjoying the meal that we made.

We washed all the dishes as the rest went to finish unpacking. This was the start of our new lives here in the dorms, it should be fun....

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