Chapter 59

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The four of us were currently out on patrol, casually strolling down the sidewalk. Keeping our eyes peeled out for any signs of trouble. Fat Gum was explaining how things usually went around here, and that we'd likely not have to deal with any criminals.

Poor Tamaki was shaking in his costume, his head covered by his hood. His feet scuffed the pavement, eyes casted down looking at his feet.

"Cheer up Suneater, maybe we'll see some action!" I exclaimed excitedly with a big smile. Trying to lift his spirits as I walked in between him and Kiri.

"Your positivity scares me," he huff's out stuffing hands in his pockets. I felt bad for him, like he was so socially awkward that everything made him uncomfortable.

Our patrol was halted by a gang of thieves making us spring in to action. Fat Gum went on pursuit catching them in a matter of seconds, only one managed to escape. The man seemed to have a similar quirk to Edgeshot, before Kiri and I had time to even move, Tamaki had captured the dude.

Moving at an impressive speed, he grabbed the man with tentacles. This man had the nerve to call him a freak, because of his quirk. Which was incredibly rude.

"Don't listen to him Suneater, your quirk is amazing," I stated, Kiri also providing his own praise to the third year.

Tamaki fought the guy, slamming him into the ground with a giant clam to the face, stepping on his back with a clawed foot. Wings also sprouted from his back, making him look even more impressive. It was nice seeing him fighting, since none of us really got to see it the other day. Mainly due to the older teen constantly facing the wall.

"Was that alright, I feel like it was terrible," he asks Kiri and I who were smiling proudly at the boy.

"What that was amazing," Kiri tells him and Fat Gum also gave praise to Tamaki. Getting the crowd of on lookers to agree as they began shouting his hero name.

Suddenly there was a gun pointed out towards where we were standing. Causing my reflexes to kick in, the bullet aiming for the shy elven boy. I yanked on his arm as Kiri went into action, hardening to take most of the impact. However it still managed to graze Tamaki's arm. The criminal started running off and Kiri followed in hot pursuit.

Tamaki told him to wait and that he'd use his tentacles however they barely sprouted from his fingertips, which confused him. Making the poor dude feel embarrassed. I was going to follow but Fat told us to stay to wait for the cops and more pros. So I listened, standing next to Tamaki.

One of the people we caught was getting up, punching a cop in the face and making a dash for it. But he didn't get far as vines shot from my wrists, wrapping around his waist. Bringing him back to where we stood, even though it was dark they still held up.

"Not so fast dude," I stated making the rocks at all their feet stick to their shoes. As the cops finished cuffing them.

"How many quirks do you have?" One of the civilians asked curiously. It wasn't common knowledge how many I did have, but the government knew due to me having to register them.

"Five, they come in handy," I replied as the cops began debriefing Tamaki and I on what these guys were doing. Apparently they were smuggling illegal drugs, ones that could enhance quirks or disable them.

"That must be what they did to me. You shot me up with something," Tamaki says to the ring leader. Rubbing his arm gently as the man rudely called him chicken feet. Causing the boy to once again take refuge by facing a wall.

"People these days are so rude it's unnecessary," I scoffed walking over to the third year, gently waving my hands around him. Checking for traces of the drug currently in his system.

"Its some strange drug for sure. By the looks of it, your quirk genes are damaged which is why you can't use your quirk right now," I explained as I magically sifted through the cells in his body.

"You can tell all that just from waving your hands around me. That's quite a strong healing quirk," he admits, turning back around to look at me.

"Yeah with a gift like mine I can check out the inner workings of anything going on in the body, without being invasive or preforming taxing procedures. I've also recently learned that I can revive people just by placing my hands on their chest," I explained more about this particular quirk, since not many people knew of something as powerful as it is.

My phone beeped and I opened it to see a link someone air dropped to everyone in the area. Upon clicking it, I was sent to a live video feed of Kiri fighting the guy who ran off. Tamaki watching over my shoulder.

This dude must've taken a quirk enhancing drug as blades shot out of him from every angle. Of course it didn't have any effect on Kiri, but only this time his body was made of sharper rocks. Making him look like a beast, as he rushed the criminal, his eyes glowing a deep red.

It felt like time slowed down as we watched him repel attacks and take the guy down. He returned to his normal form as the man tried running away, only to get stopped by Fat. And just like that this first day of work was over.

When they returned to us, I told them what I discovered so we took Tamaki to the hospital just to confirm my findings. You can never be too safe when it came to healing, once that was over we all headed back to campus. Completely tired as it was a long day, but I still had a good time.

Walking into the dorm it was well after supper, so both of us headed into he kitchen to find things to eat. He scraped up some leftovers in the fridge whilst I prepared a salad. Drowning it in dressing and croutons before taking it to my room.

A fork full in my mouth as I opened my door to reveal a slightly steamy sight. My boyfriend were currently making out on my bed, shirtless.

"Really guys you're going to disrespect my salad like that. Jeez a warning next time, my poor salad," I giggled as they pulled apart, looking like a deer caught in headlights, blushes adorning their faces.

After composing what was left of their dignity, they asked me how my day went and I  told them what happened as I ate. And once I was finished we all went off to bed, glad for the day to finally be over......

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