Chapter 36

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The leaders of the camp congratulated us on finally making it through the forest. Claiming they thought it would take us longer, but the blue one was proud of us. Taking a creepy interest in Kat, Shoto, Iida and Zuku. Which made me uncomfortable as she stated that she'd take them under her wing. I was standing in between my boyfriend's, mumbling lowly under my breath.

"Back off crazy, they're mine," I stated so low that only my boyfriends heard me. Chuckling as they watched me glaring daggers that the girl. Apparently she was looking for a mate, well she'd have to look elsewhere. Also I thought they weren't actually cats, why need a mate?

Zuku began asking about the little boy standing away from us. Going up to introduce himself, but the boy just punch Deku in the nuts, causing the boy to double over in pain.

"Ooh I felt that and I don't even have any," I cringed feeling bad for the green haired boy as Iida yelled at the young boy. Saying it wasn't nice to do stuff like that. The boy yelled back calling us all stupid hero wannabes.

"The little brat has spunk," Bakugo smirked at the boy, laughing slightly at Deku's pain, for which I slapped him upside the head.

"He's like a mini version of you," Shoto chuckled looking at our now heated boyfriend, who glared over at where he stood.

"You shut your mouth or I'll blast you all the way to hell," he shouted, once again putting on that act.

"Yeah right," Shoto winked when no one was looking as I shook my head at the two bickering. It was kind of cute really.

"He might like that too much," I teased the both of them, their faces going red as they shut up. That was when Aizawa told us all that tomorrow would be hard and that we needed to get up early. Telling us to gather our things before meeting back at the mess hall.

After some tasty food all of us girls were now chilling in the hot spring. It felt nice on my tense muscles, before we came out here I healed Toru's ankle so now she was back to normal.

"So Drea are you really going to keep denying that you're dating Bakugo," Mina asked as I sunk down, plunging my shoulders into the nice heated water.

"Why does everyone keep thinking I'm dating Kat or Shoto?" I wondered a bit intrigued by this whole thing. It baffled me to an extent that a lot of the class seemed so invested in this whole thing.

"For one he lets you call him Kat," Momo pointed out and I closed my eyes, relaxing completely for the first time today, since my nap earlier.

"Without blowing your head off," Mina added and I pictured her pointing at me with a big smile on her face.

"He defends you alot, especially from Mineta," Ochako chimed in, "While Todoroki shields you from him, but like in a cute protective boyfriend way."

"Bakugo let you use him as a pillow without complaining. In fact he looked very content. Ribbit," Tsu put in her thoughts on the matter as well. I chuckled at all their theories, it was amusing hearing everything.

Our chat was halted by Kota yelling at Mineta, telling him if he wanted to be a hero he needed to work on being a decent human being. Knocking the perverted boy off the wall on the boys side of the springs.

"Thank you Kota baby," Mina says waving up at the boy. Who was shocked as he accidentally looked down at our naked forms. He gasped in shock, falling off the wall backward.

I leaped out the pool, throwing my big t-shirt that I stole from Kat over me. It reached past my knees as I quickly flew up to the spot the boy was just standing. My head peaked over as I only looked where the boy landed, seeing that Zuku caught him.

"Is he alright?" I asked leaning slightly over the wall, my hand out as it glowed. Checking for injuries from up here, as I could do so at great distances, however I needed to be close to someone in order to heal them. The shoulder of the shirt fell down a bit but the rest of me was covered.

"Yeah he's fine Drea, I think he just feinted from the rush of the fall," Zuku reassured lifting the boy in his arms and I nodded before going back down to my side of the wall. You see unlike Mineta I was respectful of the other guys privacy. Only looking where I knew the boy would've landed.

I went to the girls dorms after that, as the other girls stayed longer in the spring. I put on a pair of Shoto's sweats that I stole before walking out into the cool night air, gazing up at the stars. You could see so much now that we were out of the city. Less light pollution out here, it was breathtaking.

"I wondered where that shirt went," Kat says coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. Pulling me in close as Shoto came around in front of us. Trapping me between them in a bear hug.

"She's been stealing my clothes for a few years now. Eventually you get use to it," Shoto says, reaching down to gently tug at the fabric of his pants that I stole. Placing his chin on top of my head, I was shorter than both of them. Around the same height as Denki.

"Stealing isn't very hero like babe," Kat says snuggling into the back of my shoulder.

"Hmph but they're comfy," I pleaded my case, letting out a sigh. Shoto moved his head and I looked back up at the sky. Smiling at the constellations scattered about us, getting lost in the beauty of it all.

"It reminds you of your summer home doesn't it?" Shoto asked also looking up, as I clutched the front of his shirt. Kat tightened his arms, moving slightly to grab Shoto's hips.

"Yeah. We've got this farm out in Oklahoma. Away from bustling towns and cities, there's hardly anything out there so at night you can see so much stars. It's breathtaking, so quiet and remote. A never-ending sense of peace, I hope I can show you one day," I explained to Kat, seeing as Shoto usually came with us, getting away from his father. Endeavor always tried keeping Shoto in Japan, but for some reason the number two hero couldn't say no to my mother.

"I look forward to experiencing it with you both," he mumbled, placing a ticklish kiss into the side of my neck.

We stood there for a more minutes, then decided to head back in. Not wanting to risk being seen by our classmates. Unbeknownst to us, there was someone standing in the tree line, watching our every move.....

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