Chapter 25

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Final exams for the semester were now upon us, and it was really stressful for some of us. I wasn't too worried about the written portion of the exams as Momo and I scored first in the mid terms.

It was the practical part that worried me, since we didn't know what it was going to be, and if we didn't pass all the exams there would be summer school for us. However those who do pass get to attend a summer training camp, which I was looking forward to.

Although I was slightly bummed I couldn't go back to America for a visit like I normally did, but at least now I have more friends to hang out with.

"I can help anyone study for English if they need it. I'm fluent," I stated to the class who were all freaking out over these exams. And Momo also agreed to help people study different things as well, we wanted everyone to do well and possibly all attend camp together.

"I could use that help," Bakugo stated looking over at me, as I was leaning against my desk. My eyes widened at his statement.

"I'm flattered that you considered my offer. Shocked though since you're ranked third academically," I replied looking over at the anger driven boy, who's cheeks were slightly dusted red.

"My English could use some work," he admitted looking around hoping the rest of the class didn't hear them, it's the last thing he needed, something for the others to hold against him.

"We can study at my house after school, as long as you don't mind Shoto being there," I replied laughing as the boy sighed before nodding his head.

"As long as he doesn't do anything to piss me off," Bakugo retorts. Earning another laugh from me. This boy got agitated very easily.

The rest of classes went by as usual, with everyone also freaking out over all the exams, and how the practical was going to go. According to the grape vine it was fighting those robots from the obstacle course and entrance exam. But I really didn't believe that to be the case as we've already fought them, and I found it hard to believe that the teachers would make this thing easy. No this exam was really going to push us.

As of right now Todo, Kat and I were sitting cross legged on my bed as I helped Kat out with punctuation and what not. He mostly had trouble with the writing part of the language, since his pronunciation and understanding of it was fine.

Having heard Todo and I speaking it enough, plus learning about it in the class.

"This is hopeless," he sighed after staring at the incorrect sentences I wrote out, getting him to fix the grammatical errors.

"Yeah I know I hardly understand the damn language and it's my first language. Like why the fuck do we need to have a word mean different things depending on the context of the phrase," I huffed out, blowing a small cloud of air from my mouth.

By this point we were at this for literally hours, my mom only interrupted a few times to provide snacks, also inviting Kat to stay for dinner. And the night depending on how late we stayed at this.

I turned my head slightly to see Todo falling asleep, almost face first in his math textbook. The sight made me giggle as I carefully to the book from under him.

Gently laying him down on his back, placing his head on a pillow. Carefully pulling the blanket usually folded at the end of my bed, over top of him. He was way too tired to keep at it, and I knew he really needed the sleep.

Just as I was about to check over Katsuki's corrections, my arm was being tugged on and suddenly I became wrapped up in Todoroki's arms. My head placed on his chest, he was being very clingy, meaning he was exhausted.

"Shoto let go, I've gotta help Kat study," I whined trying to sit up, but he held firm. My hand outstretched to the blonde, who tried helping me out of the vice grip. But to no avail.

"Enough studying, I wanna cuddle with both of you," he pouted, refusing to let me go. And I couldn't see any way out of this.

"What the fuck did IcyHot just say?" Bakugo asked looking at the sleepy boy with a stunned, but also amused look.

"He gets very clingy when tired like this and will not take no for an answer. It's sort of a coping mechanism he's had since he was little. It's the only way he can sleep, really. Back then Touya or Fuyumi would lay next to him. But now it's usually me, he doesn't sleep well otherwise," I replied sighing in defeat as I gave up trying to get back to studying.

"But why me though?" He asked with a confused look as Shoto's breathing evened out. Meaning that he was sound asleep, even if his grip on me was still firm.

"He obviously trusts you, otherwise he wouldn't have asked, or let you see him like this," I admit getting comfy since I'd be like this for awhile.

Bakugo didn't say anything as he just sighed, putting our things on the desk next to the bed before clicking the light off. He'd already told his parents he was staying at a friend's house to study for exams.

Once it was dark he crawled in beside me and pulled the blanket over us, wrapping his arm around Shoto and I. Nuzzling his face in the back of my neck, his breaths tickling the delicate skin there, but eventually I got use to it. After awhile the soft puffs of air lulled me into a deep sleep.

When I awoke the next morning, my head was now on Bakugo's chest, arms wrapped loosely around his torso, whilst Shoto's arms were around both of us. Basically the reverse of how we went to sleep, I just laid there not wanting to move. Totally at ease from being enveloped in their warm bodies.

A groan escaped my lips however, as my alarm went off. Indicating that it was indeed time to get up, as exams started today. And thus the three days of written torture was about to begin.

"Nope too early," Bakugo stated as he reached over, a blast was heard and the music stopped.

"They have a snooze button for a reason," Todoroki chuckled meanwhile I was staring at the smoking blob of melted plastic now on my floor.

"Oops," he mumbled before turning on his side, facing me. He quickly wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling Shoto and I closer and soon soft snores could be heard.

"We'll give him five more minutes, by then Momma Nymph will be shouting at us," Shoto replied as I gently shook my head, careful not to awaken the clearly comfortable blonde.

Heres to hoping he'll actually get up......

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