Chapter 38

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As we were doing exactly what we did yesterday, Pixie-Bob was saying that tonight we'd be pitted against the other class in a test of courage. Meaning we'd be meandering around in the woods at night. Man too bad we couldn't play capture the flag, that would be awesome.

Today I managed to up the range of pillars and lightning strikes to 60, greatly improving my strength as some of the class complained about being in the woods, training in the dark.

From the top of the hill, staring into a pitch black cave Tokoyami said "Revelry in the dark," quite ominously. I'm not sure what it meant but I nodded my head giving him a thumbs up.

Training continued throughout the day as normal. Well as normal as it can be for a highschool that trains heroes. But now it was meal time and Ochako was quite impressed by Katsuki's chopping skills. Also finding it strange that he was good at cooking.

I've cooked along side him a few times for him, Shoto and I. He definitely knew his way around a kitchen, and he also loved baking. Which I found adorable when he told Shoto and I.

It was now time for the game to start. Each of us would be in teams of two, we'd need to walk around the path and find tags with our names on it. Class 1-B had the job of trying to scare the shit out of us, which they could try. I mean sure certain things scare me but horror movies have trained me for this shit.

We all picked numbers to see who our partner would be, and since 5 of us were getting taken away for more studies it left us with an even number. I was paired up with Deku, who was lucky to have a partner for the game.

Shoto and Bakugo were paired up, both of which I'm sure were happy about that. Although Kat begged Ojiro to trade with him, making the class think they still didn't get along.

For some reason Tokoyami once again muttered "Revelry in the dark," it must be his new mantra or something as that was the second time in a few hours he said it.

"Hey Drea I'm glad we're partners, I'm sure we'll make a great team," Deku says walking over to me with a nervous smile.

"Yeah this should be fun. Years worth of horror movies have trained me for this moment," I smirked rubbing my hands together, happy to start this game.

People were starting to make their way through the woods, and screams could he heard throughout the area. Unfortunately we never got our turn, as I could see smoke on the distance, below that were blue flames. Shit!

Suddenly Pixie-Bob was thrown back by someone's quirk, her head smashed into the ground as villains came out of the woods looking for a fight. They had somehow found us, meaning we had a rat within the walls of UA.

Mandalay used her telepath to instruct everyone to head back to camp, urging the others still here to head back as well. But I couldn't just head back when all my friends were out there, including two people who I cared about greatly. My feet were moving before any rational thought could be made, and like that I shot off into the forest.

Panic flooded through me as I ran through, feet smashing on the trail as I tried running faster. Noises could be heard all around, as fear started to creep in. What if they were all hurt, or worse dead?

Rustling could be heard from in front of me, and fear struck as I saw who came out of the tree line.

"Touya please, don't do this," I plead getting into a fighting stance. Blue flames danced across his hands as he grinned at me.

Just then three more of me came out of the foliage, all around us. The clones all had Skill Split active except for a few, so he couldn't tell which one of me was the real one. Except the ones who had all their fingers. Those of the clones who didn't all had three fingers gone, in the exact same places.

The real me however was actually hiding away. Sneaking past Touya as I continued on through the woods. Of course that was when I ran into Shoto and Bakugo, who was talking to another version of me. Only I hadn't created this one, all the ones I made were back at the clearing, distracting Touya.

I was about to yell at them that it wasn't me, when Bakugo blasted the other me into bits. This was when I ran over to them, happy to see that they were alright.

"How did you know it wasn't me?" I asked looking at Kat as they both began accessing me, checking to see if it was the real me. My fingers appeared back on my hands and I flexed them, as they were a bit strained.

"Those idiots think we don't know our girlfriend. Amateurs really thought we'd believe that was you. That thing wasn't nearly as sarcastic as you, plus it didn't have the birthmark on your collarbone or the scars on your body," Katsuki explained staring down at the ash at his feet, before stepping forward pulling me into his strong arms.

"Are you hurt Drea?" Shoto asked coming on the other side of Katsuki, holding both of us tightly.

"No I'm fine, when Mandalay told everyone to head back to camp I rushed the woods. We hadn't had our turn yet, so I came out here to help. I ran into Touya but I made clones before I got too far in the tree line just in case, I stayed hidden and managed to pass him," I explained feeling better now that I knew some of the class was alright. However I won't feel completely better unless I know everyone in both classes were alright.

We stood there for a few seconds just enjoying being close to eachother. Before we all continued making our way through the woods hoping to find more classmates.

I wondered how these damn league of villains always managed to find us. Someone definitely was in league with them, otherwise how do they always knew where to find us.....

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