Chapter 49

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The orientation room was absolutely packed, it was shocking all of us fit in there. But somehow we all managed it and the guy in charge looked even more sleep deprived than Aizawa, if it were even possible.

As it turns out the first part of the license exam was basically a huge game. Each student had three targets placed on their bodies, that they needed to defend. Getting two people out of the game was all you needed to pass, however it was definitely going to be harder than it seemed.

The whole room gasped when it was stated the first hundred students would pass. Yet over a thousand people were here to take this test, meaning only 10 percent would pass. That made me even more nervous, and when it started the room literally opened up around us. We were in the middle of an arena, with different landscapes around us. It reminded me of the USJ in that regard.

"Guys we should stick together," Izuku says explaining that since we're sort of famous due to the festival, the other school would've studied our quirks.

"It's better if we split into smaller groups, however many schools will probably attack us all in big groups. We'll be everyone's main targets," I say as Kat ran off, saying it's useless to stay in a big group.

What shocked me even more was when Todo ran off as well, but it made sense as his quirk wasnt really meant to be used in big groups.

Everyone was running, trying to stay close and keep our guards up. Knowing that as soon as the bell rings, we'll be attacked. This was going to be like a battlefield in a few seconds, and I braced myself for what was about to go down.

I've made a few new upgrades to my costume, including higher powered jets. Reinforced boots that had spikes on the bottoms to help grip the earth better. Hidden compartments for seeds, and changed the colors to match my hair.

My leggings were decorated with lavender and aqua swirls, with little plant designs thrown into the mix. My tank top was basically similar, but it also had weather patterns on it. Like lightning strikes and rain clouds.

The starting bell went off, and just like that the students from before came rushing in. Flocking us like we were fresh prey, which in a sense we were. Both sides began watching the other, trying to spot weaknesses in our blind spots, but any spot we couldn't see dark shadow would have it covered.

They all threw their balls at once, causing Deku to spring in to action, using his new shoot style kick to block a bunch of them. Ochako was floating through the air, a bunch of balls weightless around her.

I morphed the ground so that it was now encasing my body, stopping any ball from hitting my targets. As my fellow classmates also defended everyone from attacks.

"Where did that come from? You have a weather quirk, and maybe a mending one," Shindo asks highly confused. That nice boy act totally gone, just as I thought it would.

"I do, but due to my multiple quirks, I was only allowed to use one. To make it fair for the festival, so I chose the one I had the most control over. Showing off what I wanted to show, we've all come a long way since the festival," I replied as the earth melted around me, and I swung a vine from my wrist, swatting a line of balls that were about to hit Denki, who was chasing after Katsuki and Kiri.

"Multiple quirks?" The girl who asked for Shoto's autograph stated but as more of a question.

"Yeah 5 to be exact. And I'm quite adept at them," I replied retracting the vine, and soon both sides were just glaring at the other. Trying to pick out weaknesses.

That's when Shindo crouched down, placing his hands on the ground. Yelling out an ultimate type move, and the ground began vibrating. I couldn't help the others in time as the earth broke apart beneath our feet. But my shoes became embedded into the earth as I dug in, holding me in place.

However the destruction split us all up, and now I was completely alone. It would be wise to keep moving, since I didn't want to be a sitting duck.

It was tough to navigate so I began flying over to the city area, knowing there would be people to fight there. Hopefully, then I could pass this part easily. However I did expect a decent fight to play out.

The mountain behind me crumbled as I landed at the edge of the city, creating a few clones to maybe cause distractions. Thus my hunt for a target commensed, as I walked down the road. So far nobody had passed yet, so all one hundred spots were still for the taking.

"What do we have here, a lonely UA student looking to fail," a voice says and a few students from a different school appeared before me. Causing me to stop in my tracks, a smirk forming on my face as I got into a fighting stance. Making sure my lack of fingers went unnoticed.

"I'm not just any UA student," I replied as lightning shot down from the sky, the shocks of it dancing across my skin. I shot it at them, however they dodged it skillfully.

One of them shot water projectiles at me, trying to carefully aim a ball at my targets along with the water. However I once again, encased myself in earth for a few seconds. Blocking the ball from hitting me, and a few more came my way. Raging gusts of wind teetered the balls off course.

They kept launching attack after attack, not noticing the three clones sneaking up on them. Each holding two balls, with smirks on their faces and by the time they realised they were there. It was too late as the other me's launched the balls at two people. Hitting all their targets, and taking them out of the game.

It wasn't that dramatic and thought out, but that was how I passed the first part of the exam.......


An: heres an AI image of how I picture Andrea to look. It's the closest I could get but the eye that's pink is supposed to be lavender, and the right side of her hair is all Aqua while the left is lavender. So opposite of her eye colour.

 So opposite of her eye colour

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